Beyond Inequalities 2005 – Women in Mozambique

SAT-MARCH1The first profile on the status of women in Mozambique was produced in 2000, as part of the series of publications titled Beyond Inequalities, which documented the status of women in southern Africa, and the initiatives to mainstream gender and development processes in the region. The profile took stock of developments in Mozambique regarding the status of women prior to 2000.

This current profile updates the first one in the series Beyond Inequalities. It profiles the status of women in Mozambique from 2000 to 2004/5 and records the extent to which practical and adequate steps are being taken in all development sectors towards achieving this. The update examines how Mozambique as a state is fulfilling its commitments under the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPA), the SADC Gender Declaration, and its Addendum on the Prevention and Eradication of Violence Against Women and Children, and the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


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