Southern Africa Today

2010 One Team – 15 Nations

THE WORLD is watching southern Africa this year as the region prepares to host the World Cup finals, set for South Africa in June-July. A coordinated approach has been adopted...

The year 2009 in retrospect

THE CURTAIN comes down on a historic year for southern Africa, which has seen significant advances towards regional integration and African unity. Two key indicators were the launch of the...

Summit wants action

THE SOUTHERN African Development Community will continue to direct its efforts towards consolidating the gains achieved so far and accelerating implementation of agreed regional priorities. The new SADC Chairperson, President Joseph Kabila Kabange...

Mixed economic prospects

PROSPECTS FOR economic growth in southern Africa remain positive albeit reduced against the backdrop of the global financial and economic downturn. Many southern African countries expect economic growth to retard this year...

Full energy recovery by 2013

THE SOUTHERN African region is expected to fully recover from current crippling energy shortages in 2013 when it will enjoy the desired surplus power...

Giant step toward a single SADC-COMESA-EAC market

THREE REGIONAL economic blocs have made a giant step towards the long-conceived goal of an African Economic Community, approving the expeditious establishment of an...

SADC COMESA EAC Joint summit to tackle overlapping membership

THE CHALLENGE of overlapping membership among African regions comes under scrutiny in October as leaders of three trade blocs meet to find common ground...

SADC Launches Free Trade Area

SADC LAUNCHES its free trade area this August, signalling the creation of one of the largest free trade zones on the African continent with some 250 million...

A vibrant SADC marks 20-vear-anniversary amid expanding economic and social integration

SADC, Africa's most vibrant economic bloc, celebrates its 20th anniversary buoyed by the fact that the 14-member regional group has made a distinct contribution...

Economic growth essential but must be sustainable

ECONOMIC GROWTH in SADC Member States is necessary but not sufficient to make real impact on poverty eradication, especially when such growth is erratic. This was said by...

Poverty and Development

SADC STAKEHOLDERS meet in Mauritius in April for high-level consultations on the poverty and development challenges facing the region. English

Poverty and Development

SADC STAKEHOLDERS meet in Mauritius in April for high-level consultations on the poverty and development challenges facing the region. The SADC International Consultative Conference on Poverty and Development...
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