Southern Africa Today

2008 SADC Year of Free Trade

THE YEAR 2008 is a milestone for the SADC region with the official launch of the Free Trade Area, and a target of 85 percent of...

SADC Brigade anchors regional peace support operations

THE 2007 SADC Summit held in Lusaka, Zambia will be remembered for the historic launch of the SADC Brigade, a regional multidimensional peace support operations capability established...

DAVID MARTIN – 40 years of service to African liberation

SANF 07 No 41 David Martin was a writer and photographer, and later in life, a publisher. He was a rigorous researcher and investigative writer...

Accelerating Infrastructure Development

SADC MEMBER States are scaling up the provision of regional infrastructure, a critical foundation for the speedy realization of regional integration objectives. Infrastructure support intervention has been placed at...

2007 the year for energy security

THE YEAR 2007 is set to be a watershed period for southern Africa as it marks the dawn of a potential energy crisis. With some of Africa's...

Trade targets attainable

WITH JUST over 12 months remaining before the SADC region can create its Free Trade Area, Member States remain confident that they can move a gear up...

Toward a SADC investment zone

SOUTHERN AFRICAN countries are optimistic that a booming regional economy and political stability are the right ingredients for increased inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) and deeper regional...

SADC region reaps peace dividend

AN UNPRECEDENTED peaceful and stable environment in southern Africa signals new opportunities for a region that has witnessed successive conflicts for the greater part of the last...

New partnership for regional development

SOUTHERN AFRICA has advanced another step towards regional integration with the signing of a partnership agreement with International Cooperating Partners (ICPs). The new partnership between SADC and ICPs is...

Infrastructure development top priority for regional integration

SADC MEMBER STATES are cooperating on infrastructure development and have identified four key intervention areas to drive initiatives in this area. Infrastructure support intervention has been placed at the...

SADC in regional initiatives to avert power deficit

SOUTHERN AFRICA has embarked on a number of short and long-term projects to bolster its power generation capacity by more than 42,000 megawatts (MW)...

Food security strengthened by cross-border cooperation

FOOD SECURITY is one of the region's most pressing challenges and active regional collaboration is offering a key solution. English
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