2020 in Retrospect …the year SADC showed resilience, solidarity, courage against COVID-19

SADC Today Vol 23 No. 1 December 2020 – THE YEAR 2020 may go down in history as the year when the “earth stood still” after the world was hit by the Coronavirus 2019(COVID-19) at the end of the pervious year, forcing many countries including SADC Member States to impose socio-economic lockdowns and other restrictions.

Below are various informative subtitles you will find inside our publication

SADC Ministers agree to amend Energy Protocol

Towards 50/50 gender parity

SADC commemorates World AIDS Day

SADC records increase in fish production

Water, energy and food security can be achieved

SADC and ICPs chart a new collaboration

Regional counter-terrorism centre on the cards

Download this entire SADC Today volume in PDF format in English, Portuguese & French below

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