40th SADC Summit approves Vision 2050

SADC Today Vol 22 No.6 October 2020
This entire publication volume can be downloaded in English, Portuguese & French

A brief look inside our SADC Today Publication

THE 40TH SADC Summit on 17 August was held in a virtual format for the first time, coordinated from Maputo, Mozambique, and approved initiatives ranging from trade and finance to health and peace and security, aimed at advancing region al integration and sustainable development.
Among other decisions, the leaders agreed on a coordinated approach to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the SADC economy. This followed a massive slowdown in economic activities in sectors such as tourism, aviation and manufacturing due to the novel coronavirus that forced most countries in the region to impose a lockdown in March this year to contain the spread of the virus…

Towards SADC Minimum Standards for Food Fortification
SADC is in the process of developing minimum regional standards to promote cooperation on food fortification in southern Africa. Food fortification or enrichment is the process of adding micronutrients, especially essential trace elements and vitamins to food. The enrichment is usually carried out by food manufacturers or by governments as a public health policy, which aims to reduce the number of people with dietary deficiencies within a population. In August, the SADC Secretariat, together with the European Union, convened a regional validation meeting for the SADC Minimum Standards for Food Fortification…

Combating the rise in illegal firearms
In its bid to curb the proliferation of small arms and other ammunitions that are commonly used in the perpetration of violent crimes across the region, SADC has reviewed the Protocol on the Control of Firearms, Ammunition and Other Related Materials.
The 40th SADC Summit approved an Agreement amending the SADC Protocol on the
Control of Firearms, Ammunition and Other Related Materials at their annual meeting held
on 17 August…

SADC to prioritise measures to combat terrorism, security threats
PEACE AND security in SADC are of paramount importance if the region is to achieve its objectives of sustainable development and economic growth to alleviate poverty and enhance the standard and quality of life of its peoples.
The absence of peace and security threatens regional integration, which is built on democratic principles and equitable and sustainable development. It is against this background that SADC leaders received a report from the Secretariat on emerging security threats in the region…

SADC approves Vision 2050
SADC leaders have approved a long-term vision that sets out the aspirations of the region until 2050 as well as a new strategic plan as they seek to further deepen regional integration over the next 10 years. The SADC Vision 2050 and Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2020-2030 were approved by the 40th Ordinary Summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) which was held virtually on 17 August and hosted by Mozambique.
“Summit approved the SADC Vision 2050, which is based on a firm foundation of Peace, Security and Democratic Governance, and premised on three interrelated pillars, namely: Industrial Development and Market Integration; Infrastructure Development in support of Regional Integration; and Social and Human Capital Development,” read a communique issued at the end of the summit…

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