Communicating Energy project to support Southern Africa Power Pool

Media Release
from SARDC, 18 May 2009

2nd Symposium on China-Africa and China-Zimbabwe Relations

Seventeen leading Chinese academics from nine institutions in the People’s Republic of China have arrived in Zimbabwe to participate in the 2nd Symposium on China-Africa and China-Zimbabwe Relations.

The Symposium, with the theme “Regional Integration in Southern Africa and China-Africa Relations in the 21st Century”, will be attended by Chinese and Zimbabwean academics, including the Vice-Chancellors of some universities.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zimbabwe, Hon. S.S. Mumbengegwi, will deliver the keynote address on “China-Africa, China-Zimbabwe Relations: Status Quo and The Future”.

Among the topics to be addressed by Chinese academics is the “Chinese Development Road and China-Africa Relations in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis” by Professor Wang Yong, Director of the Centre for International Political Economy at Peking University.

Prof. Li Baoping from the School of International Studies at the same university will discuss “Some Merits of the China Model”.

Another topic will be “China’s Peaceful Development Strategy and Historical Significance of Sino-African Relations through Three Decades”, delivered by Prof. Liu Hongwu, Director of the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University.

Dr Pedzisayi Mashiri, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Zimbabwe will present a paper on “The Confucius Institute: A Stimulus for Development in Zimbabwe”.

The Symposium is organized by the Zimbabwe Institute of International Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) in collaboration with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Zimbabwe.