Making Zambezi river basin agreement a reality

by Leonissah Munjoma – SANF 05 no 64
The Zambezi river basin states have reaffirmed their commitment to operationalise the Zambezi Water Course Commission through the implementation of initiatives and projects on water management in the region.

Officials from the Zambezi river basin states met in the tourist resort town of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, in July to discuss issues pertaining to the operationalisation of the Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) Agreement signed in July 2004.

Attended by officials drawn from Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the meeting made recommendations based on a concept paper that has been prepared outlining the necessary steps and the options available to operationalise ZAMCOM.

The officials also discussed some important initiatives currently in the pipeline, for the Zambezi river basin including the development of the Zambezi Basin Initiative with a view to addressing investment and poverty eradication issues; a new Agricultural Water Management initiative supported by the southern African Development Community (SADC), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), and the African Development Bank (AfDB), as well as, the World Bank’s Zambezi Basin Irrigation and Rural Livelihoods initiative.

These initiatives were presented by officials from the SADC Directorate for Food Agriculture and Natural Resources and from the World Bank.

On operationalisation of ZAMCOM, the meeting considered issues relating to the location of the ZAMCOM secretariat and criteria for selection of a host country; the composition of the secretariat and selection criteria for the secretariat staff. The meeting adopted a road map that will lead to the operationalisation of the ZAMCOM agreement.

The aim of the ZAMCOM agreement is to promote equitable and reasonable use of the water resources of the Zambezi river basin and is also expected to promote efficient management and sustainable development among the riparian states.

A concept note on the operationalisation of ZAMCOM sets out the strategic preparations that need to be undertaken and provides options and steps that need to be followed before the commission can become operational. (SARDC)