President Pohamba announces new cabinet



Director of Ceremonies
Honourable Prime Minister
Your Honour the Chief Justice
Honourable Ministers
Distinguished Members of the Media
Fellow Namibians

Allow me to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to the members of the press for accepting my invitation to State House at such short notice.
I have invited you to the State House this morning to inform you, and through you, the Namibian nation about the actions I have taken under the powers vested in me by the Namibian Constitution.
I have taken this decision with the full conviction that our nation is founded on the principles of the rule of law and democracy. It is for this reason that we have adopted the Namibian Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

You will recall that the Ruling SWAPO PARTY had a very successful Fifth Congress which concluded on Sunday, 02nd December 2012. It is now common knowledge that I retained my position as President of the SWAPO PARTY.

You may further recall that the Congress passed a number of resolutions. It also took a number of decisions, one of which is to make the position of the Secretary-General full-time. During my closing address, I pointed out that I want to see a speedy implementation of the Congress Resolutions, especially those which are aimed at addressing poverty and unemployment in our country.

I am determined to ensure that the SWAPO PARTY Congress Resolutions are speedily adopted by Cabinet as Government programmes which require a speedy implementation. Against this background, the outcome of the Congress has necessitated the redeployment of some of the political personnel as well as to bring new ones. In this regard, I have, in terms of Article 32 sub-article (3)(i)(aa) and sub-Article (3)(i)(bb) of the Namibian Constitution, decided to redeploy and appoint the following Comrades:

1. Hon Dr Hage G. Geingob as Prime Minister;
2. Hon Nahas Angula as Minister of Defence;
3. Hon Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana as Minister of Home Affairs;
4. Hon Jerry Ekandjo as Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture;
5. Hon Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as Minister of Foreign Affairs;
6. Hon Immanuel Ngatjizeko as Minister of Safety and Security;
7. Hon Maj-Gen (rdt) Charles Namoloh as Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development;
8. Hon Rosalia Nghidinwa as Minister of Gender Equality and Child Welfare;
9. Hon Utoni Nujoma as Minister of Justice;
10. Hon Doreen Sioka as Minister of Labour and Social Welfare;
11. Hon Uahekua Herunga as Minister of Environment and Tourism;
12. Hon Calle Schlettwein as Minister of Trade and Industry;
13. Hon Petrus Iilonga as Deputy Minister of Defence;
14. Hon Lempy Lucas as Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry;
15. Hon Pohamba Shifeta as Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism;
16. Hon Kilus Nguvauva as Deputy Minister of Works and Transport;
17. Hon Chief Samuel Ankama as Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources; and
18. Hon Juliet Kavetuna as Deputy Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture.

One of the outcomes of the Fifth SWAPO PARTY Congress resulted in an election of the Governor of the Omaheke Region as Deputy Secretary-General. It is clear that the Honourable Governor cannot be expected to attend to her PARTY responsibilities here in Windhoek while at the same time holding a full-time position in the Omaheke Region.

Against this background, I have decided to make the following transfers:

1. The Governor of Khomas Region, Honourable Samuel Nuujoma, is transferred to the Otjozondjupa Region;
2. The Governor of the Otjozondjupa Region, Honourable Rapama Rehabeam Kamehozu, is transferred to the Omaheke Region; and
3. The Governor of Omaheke Region, Honourable Laura McLoad-Katjirua, is transferred to Khomas Region.
Director of Ceremonies,

Allow me to take this opportunity to, once again, appeal to our nation to continue to maintain national unity, peace and stability in our country. We must continue to reject the vices of tribalism, nepotism, regionalism, racism, sexism and corruption.

Our SWAPO PARTY Government will continue to address the socio-economic plight of all our citizens such as the youth, women, workers, veterans of our liberation struggle, senior citizens, the rural poor and our fellow citizens who live in informal settlements.

This can only be achieved if we work hard and become an all inclusive Government where every citizen can play a positive role in the affairs of our country. Once again, I thank you for accepting my invitation.

Long live the Republic of Namibia!

I thank you.