PRESS RELEASE – New President and Bureau Elected at PAP – May 28, 2009

Midrand, Johannesburg, 28 May 2009 – The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) today elected a new President. He is Hon. Dr. Idriss NDELE MOUSSA, MP from Chad. Hon. Ndele was elected by the House from among three candidates who stood for President of PAP. The other two were Hon. Lassane Sawadogo, MP from Burkina Faso and Hon. Mustafa El Gendy, MP from Egypt.

In his acceptance speech, Hon. Ndele paid tribute to the outgoing President, Hon. Dr. Gertrude Mongella, MP, of the United Republic of Tanzania, for her able leadership during the past five years. He also commended the outgoing Bureau for implementing the decision of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government in holding these elections. He added that even though he was nominated by his Central African Region, he was standing here today as “a son of the whole of Africa, and not just Chad or the Central African Region”.

Hon. Ndele was sworn-in by the outgoing President, Hon. Mongella, who asked the House to give him full support in carrying out his duties and then officially handed over the Presidency to him.

Four Vice-Presidents were also elected today. They are:

  • Hon. Bethel Amadi, MP, First Vice-President, from Nigeria, representing the Western African Region.
  • Hon. Mary Mugyenyi, MP, Second Vice-President, from Uganda, representing the Eastern African Region.
  • Hon. Laroussi Hammi, MP, Third Vice-President, from Algeria, representing the Northern African Region.
  • Hon. Joram Gumbo, MP, Fourth Vice-President, from Zimbabwe, representing the Southern African Region.

Together, the five Hon. Members will form the Bureau of the PAP, which is the highest management body of the Parliament.