Page 17 - 41st Summit Brochure
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v The SADC Business and Investment Promotion Strategy was adopted in October 2019 by the Investment
                   Subcommittee and recommended for approval by the MTF. The Strategy allows SADC as a regional body
                   to explore opportunities to showcase its programmes and regional projects around the world.
                 v A SADC Investment Portalthat is linked to Member States’ investment portals was developed in 2018. The
                   portal facilitates the sharing of information among Member States, and access to information by investors.
                 v Collaborative Initiatives focusing on capacity-building, knowledge-sharing and regional-benchmarking
                   initiatives are in place, including peer-to-peer learning that are organized every year to allow Member
                   States to share their experiences in facilitation and promotion of investment.

             g Food Security and Management of Natural Resources. The progress of work since August 2013 in the area
                of agriculture, food security, natural resources, environment and tourism, focused initially on,
                 v The Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP) development and approval in 2014 as an overarching regional
                   policy framework (the SADC Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)
                   Compact) that guides agriculture sector development; and
                 v The Regional Agricultural Investment Plan (RAIP) 2017-2022development and approval in April 2017. The
                   RAIP outlines priority programmes and sub-programmes, identified from the RAP Results Framework,
                   where investments in the agriculture sector need to be focused. For the 3-year period that the RAIP has been
                   operational, 2017-2020, progress has been achieved in operationalizing of 88 percent of the 25 key result areas
                   while implementation of activities is underway to achieve 70 percent of the 55 intermediate outcomes.

             g Agricultural Production, Productivity and Competitiveness
                 v The Crop Production Development Programme was approved in 2019 to improve production,
                   productivity and competitiveness, and regional and international trade of crop products, as per the RAP,
                   and addresses six mutually reinforcing components.
                 v The SADC Harmonized Seed Regulatory System (HSRS), approved in 2008, entered into force in 2014, as
                   part of regional efforts to boost agriculture by promoting the use of high and known quality seeds. Access
                   to quality seeds facilitates diversity to food resource diversification, and prevention of genetic erosion in
                   rural agriculture. The region has approved, since 2014 to date, 84 crop varieties to be registered and
                   released through the SADC Harmonized Seed Regulatory System (HSRS), and eligible to be produced
                   and traded throughout the region. These include maize, wheat, beans, groundnuts, sorghum and soya  15
                   beans. To support the implementation of the SADC HSRS, the Regional Guidelines for Seed Certification
                   and Quality Assurance, and the SADC Seed Sustainability Strategy, were approved in 2019.
                 v The SADC Guidelines for Pesticides Managementwere approved in 2019 to facilitate an increase in the use of
                   pesticides to improve crop production and productivity in the region, and to ensure the proper use of
                 v The Regional Livestock Development Programme (LDP) was approved in November 2017, to address the
                   objectives of the RAP as far as the livestock sector is concerned, and Member States are currently
                   incorporating components of the LDP into their National LDPs, including reviewing their Livestock
                   Production, Animal Conservation and Rangeland Management Strategies. Other components of the
                   LDP, such as the SADC Animal Genetics Resources Conservation and Utilization Strategy were approved
                   in May 2020. A plan for its Implementation is currently under development, starting from the
                 v A Regional Framework for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Controlwas developed and approved in 2021 to
                   address the rise of AMR organisms, which are threatening to render existing treatments ineffective against
                   many infectious diseases and thus reverse the gains that have been achieved using antimicrobial agents.
                 v The SADC Plant Genetic Resource Centre(SPGRC), established in 1989 in recognition of the importance of
                   conserving plant genetic resources in Southern Africa to secure adequate crop production, was integrated
                   into the SADC Secretariat in 2017, and has progressed significantly in conserving and preserving the genetic
                   diversity and viability of Southern African plant stocks. The base collection is currently at 18,500 accessions
                   from the SADC Member States. Duplication at Svalbard Global Vault in Norway (a secure backup facility for
                   the world’s crop diversity that is located in the remote Arctic) has increased significantly from 8 percent to 42
                   percent of accessions held at the regional gene bank at SPGRC.
                 v The SADC Regional Aquaculture Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2026 was approved in 2017 to provide
                   strategic direction for the rapid, environmentally responsible development of aquaculture in SADC
                   Member States, while simultaneously safeguarding the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems,
                   conserving common genetic resources and supporting the maintenance of regional aquatic biosecurity;
                   and to advance the development of cross-border value chains that better enable the utilization of aquatic
                   and human resources within the region. Most Member States are implementing the regional aquaculture
                   strategy and are at different levels and stages.
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