Page 16 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 16



                  T e 40 SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government is a
                  very important event that gives us another opportunity to dis-
                  cuss and exchange ideas on how to deepen regional integration.

                    T e 40th SADC Summit is being held against the backdrop of
                  the COVID-19 pandemic, which the World Health Organization
                  (WHO) has described as the most serious health emergency in
                  generations that has af ected the global socio-economic land-
                  scape. Our region – the Southern African Development Com-
                  munity (SADC) – has not been spared, lives have been lost,
                  while businesses and all socio-economic sectors have been ad-
                  versely af ected.
                         Ordinarily we convene our Summits face-to-face, nonetheless COVID-19 has neces-
                  sitated the 40th Summit to be held virtually. T is is the f rst time in our history to convene
                  a SADC Summit in a virtual format. T e fact that the Region has managed to convene the
                  40th Summit virtually is commendable, and a demonstration of SADC ability to move in
                  unison and conquer challenges no matter the magnitude of a challenge.
                         Eight years ago when we met in Mozambique for our 32nd SADC Summit in Au-
                  gust 2012, SADC adopted the Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan
                  (RIDMP) Vision 2027 for implementation over a 15-year period (2013-2027).  SADC
                  is proud to note the progress being made by Member States to develop ef  cient, seam-
                  less and cost ef ective, trans-boundary infrastructure networks in an integrated and
                  coordinated manner in all the six priority sectors: Energy; Transport; Tourism; Infor-         13
                  mation Communication Technology; Water; and Meteorology.
                         T is notwithstanding, a report on the assessment of the RIDMP Short Term Action
                  Plan (2012-2017), which was conducted in 2019, emphasises the importance for the
                  region to explore the use of innovative models of funding infrastructure projects in
                  order to improve sustainability, and avoid dependence on donor f nancing. T e need
                  for alternative sources of funding is critical as we continue the implementation of our
                  regional integration programme.
                         T e theme for this year’s summit is “SADC: 40 Years Building Peace and Security,
                  Promoting Development and Resilience to Face Global Challenges”.T is theme is com-
                  plementary to previous themes since peace, security and stability are a key precursor
                  for sustainable development and regional integration. While SADC has always been
                  vigilant in putting in place measures to sustain peace and security, it is prudent to note
                  that we operate in a fast-paced, dynamic, and sophisticated environment. In this regard,
                  it is important for the region to continue to act in a timely and decisive manner in ad-
                  dressing the emerging peace and security issues.
                         T is publication presents the main achievements/milestones recorded by the region
                  since the last Summit held in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania in August
                  2019. T e achievements allow stakeholders to understand and appreciate the sector-
                  specif c objectives and programmes, while tracking progress on the implementation
                  of various regional activities, programmes and projects.
                         T e publication also presents a dedicated section on Mozambique as the Member
                  State chairing the 40th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government, under the
                  leadership of His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of Mozambique. We ap-
                  preciate the achievements our region has realised in the past year under the leadership
                  of the outgoing SADC Chairperson, His Excellency Dr John Pombe Joseph Magufuli,
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