Page 17 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 17

President of the United Republic of Tanzania. May I on behalf of SADC express our
                                 sincere gratitude to His Excellency, and to the Chairperson of the Organ on Politics,
                                 Defence and Security Cooperation, His Excellency Emmerson Mnangagwa, the Pres-
                                 ident of Zimbabwe, for their exemplary leadership during the past year.
                                        T e publication also presents winners of the SADC Media Awards. SADC values
                                 the important role of media, and recognizes that the media helps to inform, educate
                                 and entertain large, heterogeneous and scattered groups of people that would not be
                                 reached through interpersonal means.
                                        As we celebrate our 40 years of existence as a regional organization, we have a sec-
                                 tion on SADC History that celebrates our long cherished journey of integration and
                                 cooperation, and a section that illustrates some of the achievements of the past year
                                 through SADC in Pictures. As we commemorate this important milestone, we honour
                                 the SADC Founders who envisioned a region that would collectively advance the cause
                                 of national political and economic liberation, paving the way for economic integration
                                 in southern Africa. In this regard, it is pleasing to note that a mechanism to honour
                                 our SADC Founders will be presented to the 40th SADC Summit.
                                        I am pleased to share with you the 40 SADC Summit Brochure and it is my hope
                                 that you will f nd this publication useful. Special gratitude goes to our knowledge part-
                                 ner, the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) for their sup-
                                 port in preparing this publication.

                                 HAPPY 40 ANNIVERSARY TO SADC…LONG LIVE SADC.
                                 Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax
                                 SADC Executive Secretary
      14                         August 2020
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