Page 132 - sadc40en
P. 132

Employment and Labour
                                           SADC has put in place measures to promote full and productive employment
                                           across the region. The main legal instrument is the Protocol on Employment
                                and Labour, adopted in August 2014. However, only one SADC Member State has ratified
                                the Protocol, meaning that it is yet to enter into force. A process to review the Protocol is
                                underway to ensure that it incorporates changing global dynamics in the labour market.
                                           A number of instruments have been developed to make it easier for SADC Member
                                States and the employment and labour sector to promote common interests through deeper
                                cooperation among the various stakeholders. The instruments include the Labour Migra-
                                                           tion Action Plan (2020-2025) adopted in 2020, and the
                                                            Guidelines on Portability of Social Security Benefits.
                                                            Among the major achievements are the establishment
                                                            of a Labour Market Information System that tracks
                                                            progress using 23 key labour-market indicators. The
                                                            system provides Member States with information on
                                                            demand and supply of labour and market trends to fa-
                                                            cilitate planning. Another achievement is the devel-
                                                            opment  of  Cross-Border  Portability  of  Social
                                                            Protection   Instruments   which   aid   the
                                                            exportation/transfer of benefits gained by a migrant
                                                            worker in one Member State to his/her country.
                                                            Youth Employment Promotion
                                                            A  SADC  Youth  Employment  Promotion  Policy
                                                            Framework and Strategic Plan was approved in 2016
                                                            and  is  being  implemented  by  all  SADC  Member
                                                            States, including minimum standards of social protec-
                                                            tion for youth.

                                         Agriculture, Food Security and Natural Resources

                                         Agriculture is the backbone of most economies in the region, contributing be-
                                         tween four percent and 27 percent of the regional Gross Domestic Product
                                (GDP), and about 13 percent of the total export earnings. Therefore, to ensure the success
                                of the agriculture sector, SADC has ensured that most of the legal instruments on agri-
                                culture are aligned to other sectorial plans such as infrastructure development, trade, cli-
                                mate change, and gender.
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