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Improvement in Literacy Rates
                  The literacy rates for women and men continue to improve in most SADC
                  Member States due to these regional instruments and others, and the
                  gender  gap  has  been  reduced  significantly.  Since  2006,  all  SADC
                  Member States have literacy rates above 50 percent, with Seychelles and
                  Eswatini having the highest rates for women in 2016/2017 at 95.7 per-
                  cent and 93.1 percent, respectively.

                  Harmonised Regional Qualifications Framework
                  Progress  has  been  made  on  the  SADC  Qualifications  Framework
                  (SADC QF), which facilitates human resources development and avail-
                  ability of educated and highly skilled personnel through comparable edu-
                  cation and training systems. Some Member States have developed or are
                  revising their national qualification frameworks to align with the regional
                  framework. South Africa and Seychelles have already done this, while others
                  are making notable progress. The framework allows students to move between uni-
                  versities and polytechnics in the SADC region without adjusting their qualifications, as
                  a common system will facilitate the transfer of educational credits between institutions in
                  different countries. Professionals who are trained in any of the SADC Member States can
                  now work anywhere in the region without undertaking supplementary training in the host
                  country. SADC has created the SADC Qualifications Verification Network to facilitate the
                  verification of qualifications in the region.
                  Learning Anywhere in SADC
                  An important milestone in the education sector was realized in June 2005 when the SADC
                  Centre for Distance Education (SADC-CDE) was established by SADC Ministers of Edu-
                  cation as an Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Centre, in partnership with the Com-
                  monwealth of Learning to support the development, management and quality provision
                  of ODL in the SADC region. Hosted at the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research,
                  Science and Technology in Botswana, the centre allows citizens in SADC to learn any-
                  where in the region. This development has been instrumental in improving literacy rates
                  in the region. In addition, strategies and programmes for increasing access and reducing
                  attrition rates in the education systems have been developed and implemented.

                  SADC Virtual University of Transformation
                  The SADC Virtual University of Transformation hosted by Eswatini is a milestone
                  in the education sector. The university will seek to train citizens in innovation and
                  entrepreneurship as SADC intensifies efforts to transform itself into an industrial-
                  ised region. The university will operate through a virtual platform, and will focus
                  on entrepreneurship, innovation, commercialization, technology transfer, enter-
                  prise development, and the digital and knowledge economy, to support the in-
                  dustrialisation agenda.

                  Learning Heritage
                  SADC has embarked on a review of the history curriculum across the region at
                  the  request  of  SADC  Ministers  of  Education,  to  determine  how  this  can  be
                  strengthened and appropriate materials provided for teaching the regional dimensions
                  and linkages of liberation heritage based on common values, as espoused by the SADC
                  founders. This review builds on the SADC Mbita Project on Southern African Liberation
                  Struggles. One achievement is the development of the first Module of resource materials
                  on the subject of Youth in the Liberation Struggle, which includes an illustrated booklet,
                  a video and messaging used on social media platforms.
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