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to identify gender issues and define mechanisms for integrating
                  them into policies, plans, programmes and actions.
                             An improvement was noted as evidenced through the rec-
                  ognition of women empowerment and gender equality issues in
                  policies and programmes as well as the establishment of gender
                  focal desks in various ministries. However, the gender equality
                  gaps still exist in the region as seen by the inability to reach the
                  50:50 target as well as challenges encountered by women. As a
                  result, in 2019, the SADC Secretariat conducted an assessment
                  of Gender Mainstreaming in the SADC Integration Agenda.
                             The results of this assessment are informing the capacity
                  gaps to be addressed which include technical analysis, monitor-
                  ing tools, human resource and financial constraints. In this re-
                  gard,  Regional  Gender  Mainstreaming  Resource  Toolkit  is
                  under review to strengthen its use in building technical capacity
                  on gender mainstreaming at regional and national levels, includ-
                  ing the Secretariat.


                  Response to Gender-Based Violence
                  Gender-Based Violence (GBV) as an area of concern to SADC which recognises the pre-
                  vention and reduction of GBV as a key factor in reaching an environment that is conducive
                  to peace and security, shown as the foundation of for regional development in the RISDP
                  2020-2030 and the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.
                             In recognising that violence against women and girls continues to be an obstacle to
                  achieving equality, development and peace, as well as to the fulfilment of human rights in
                  this regard, SADC developed the Regional Strategy and Framework of Action for address-
                  ing GBV 2018-2030; the SADC Regional Strategy on Women, Peace and Security 2018
                  – 2022; and the SADC Strategic Plan of Action on Combating Trafficking in Persons, es-
                  pecially Women and Children (2009– 2023).
                             These strategic frameworks continue to guide Member States in efforts to put an
                  end to violence against women and girls, to give due attention to the need to include
                  women in national security sector institutions and processes, and to combat any human
                  rights violations against women and children.
                             In terms of progress in addressing GBV in the SADC region, all SADC Member
                  States have comprehensive laws on GBV or specific GBV aspects, including domestic vi-
                  olence, violation of children, trafficking in persons, unequal treatment of males and fe-
                  males, and sexual assault and harassment.
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