Page 28 - sadc40en
P. 28

        On 1 April 1980 the leaders and representatives of the
        independent states of Southern Africa came together
        in Lusaka. At this historic summit meeting they signed
        the Declaration Southern Africa: Toward Economic
        Liberation. This Declaration commits the countries of
        the region to work harmoniously to integrate their
        economies and gradually to reduce their dependence,
        particularly, but not only, on the Republic of South Af-
        rica. Accelerated economic development and regional
        self- reliance are the twin objectives of the Declaration.
        The only guarantee for the success of this initiative is
        the efforts of the people and the governments of the re-
        gion. The Declaration also contains an appeal for ex-
        ternal cooperation and international support. Southern
        African development coordination “will be achieved
        more rapidly and will be more effective if development
        takes  place  within  the  context  of  global
        cooperation.”Amon J. Nsekela, High Commissioner for Tan-
        zania, Chairman, SADCC Steering Committee

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