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A PICTURE OF SADCC SITUATION IN THE 1980s                                COMMUNIQUÉ     MOZAMBIQUE, MAPUTO 11 JULY 1983
                                                                                   ...Summit reported progress in the priority area of Transport and Communications as well as in
                                                                                                 MOZAMBIQUE, MAPUTO11 JULY1983
                                                                                   Agriculture, Industrial Development, Energy and Manpower Development.
                                                                                   ...Summit repor%ed prog'ess in the priorit$ area of Transpor% and Communications as well
                                                                                   “The Summit noted that for most SADC countries, the 1982/83 agricultural season witnessed one
                                                                                   as in Ag'icult)re, Indust'ial Development, Energ$ and Manpower Development.
                                                                                   “The Summit noted that for most SADC count'ies, the 1982/83 ag'icult)ral season wit"essed
          COMMUNIQUÉ                                                               of the worst droughts in living memory. Crop yields have been severely reduced which affected
                                                                                   dramatically the ability of Member States to earn foreign exchange through exports and, even more
                                                                                   one of the worst droughts in living memor$. Crop yields have been severely reduced which affected
                                                                                   importantly, reduced the availability of food from internal production to meet the basic needs of
                                                                                   dramatically the abilit$ of Member States to ear" foreig" exchange through ex*or%s and, even
                        ZIMBABWE, HARARE: 20 JULY, 1981
                                                                                   the people. Production cannot possibly provide the basic food necessary for many people in the
                                                                                   more impor%antly, reduced the availabilit$ of food #om inter"al production to meet the basic
                        ZIMBABWE, HARARE: 20 JULY, 1981
                                                                                   rural areas to subsist until the 1984 harvest. More terrifying still is the threat that even this harvest
                                                                                   needs of the people. Production cannot possibly provide the basic food necessar$ for many people
                                                                                   may be devastated by drought. ... For many Member States this is the worst crisis of its kind which
                                                                                    in the r)ral areas to subsist until the 1984 har,est. More ter'if$ing still is the threat that even
          ...The Heads of State and Government expressed their satisfaction with the progress which has been made in regional
                                                                                    this har,est may be devastated by drought. ... For many Member States this is the worst crisis of
          ...The Heads of State and Gover"ment ex*ressed their satisfaction with the prog'ess which has been
         co­operation since the Lusaka Summit of April 1980, reaffirmed their total commitment to the principles embodied in
                                                                                   they have been confronted with since their independence.
          made in regional co-operation since the Lusaka Summit of April 1980, reaffir(ed their total
         the declaration Southern Africa: Toward Economic Liberation, and called upon all those who share these ideals to join
         with them in the struggle for economic liberation, justice and peace in Southern Africa. ...
                                                                                    its kind which they have been con#onted with since their independence.
                                                                                   The drought coincides with the deepest recession the world has experienced in the past half
          commit(ent to the principles embodied in the declaration Souther" A#ica: Toward Economic
                                                                                    The drought coincides with the deepest recession the world has ex*erienced in the past half
         economic liberation, justice and peace in Souther" A#ica. ...
         Liberation, and called upon all those who share these ideals to join with them in the st')ggle for
         Heads of States and Government also noted the ratification of a Convention for the Southern African Transport and
                                                                                    The Summit noted that, par%ly no doubt because of a fallacious belief that these problems willill
                                                                                    The Summit noted that, partly no doubt because of a fallacious belief that these problems w
         Communications Commission (SATCC). This gives the Commission, based in Maputo, a legal personality, with its own
         Heads of States and Gover"ment also noted the ratification of a Convention for the Souther" A#ican
                                                                                    under(ine SADCC’s commit(ent to political and economic liberation, South A#ica has steppedp
                                                                                    undermine SADCC’s commitment to political and economic liberation, South Africa has stepped u
        Committee of Ministers and executive authority. ...The Summit noted with satisfaction that the Commission was already
         Transpor% and Communications Commission (SATCC). This gives the Commission, based in Maputo,
                                                             BOTSWANA, GABORONE 22 JULY 1982
                                                              BOTSWANA, GABORONE22 JULY1982
                                                                                    up its agg'essive policy aimed at destabilising Member States through economic and militar$
        and communication systems of the SADCC member states.
        facilitating the implementation of a large number of regional projects, and urged those countries and institutions which
                                                “... SADC’s newly appointed Executive Secretary, Mr Frederick Arthur Blumeris, was  its aggressive policy aimed at destabilising Member States through economic and military sabotage.
         a legal personalit$, with its own Commi!ee of Ministers and executive authorit$. ...The Summit noted
                                                                                    South Africa can invade and occupy sovereign states,  blow up vital  installations,  massacre
                                                                                    sabotage. South A#ica can invade and occupy sovereig" states, blow up vital installations,
                                                  “... SADC’s newly appointed Executive Secretar$, Mr Frederick Ar%hur Blumeris, was
        had pledged resources at Maputo to co­operate fully with the Commission for the speedy rehabilitation of the transport
        with satisfaction that the Commission was already facilitating the implementation of a large number
                                                 introduced to the Summit and will take up his post shortly. The permanent Secretariat
                                                                                    massacre populations at no apparent cost to its relations with its main allies. Some of these
                                                COMMUNIQUÉ                          populations at no apparent cost to its relations with its main allies. Some of these friends of South
                                                  int'oduced to the Summit and will take up his post shor%ly. The per(anent
        of regional projects, and urged those count'ies and instit)tions which had pledged resources at Maputo
        communication systems of the SADCC member states.
                                                                                    Africa, who provide the racist regime with the capital, technology, management skills and deploy
                                                                                    #iends of South A#ica, who provide the racist regime with the capital, technolog$, management
        to  co-operate f)lly with  the  Commission for  the  speedy  rehabilitation  of  the  t'anspor%  and
                                                                                    skills and deploy weapons necessar$ to car'$ out such a policy, seeks also to improve their relations
       The Summit received a report from the Council of Ministers on the progress made in preparing the groundwork for
                                                 will then become fully operational.
                                                  “The Heads of State and Gover"ment condemned South A#ica for its policy of of
                                                  Secretariat will then become f)lly operational.
                                                 “The  Heads  of  State  and  Government  condemned  South  Africa  for  its  policy   weapons necessary to carry out such a policy, seeks also to improve their relations with SADCC.
                                                                                    Change must come to South Africa. The Summit urged the international community to reflect that
                                                                                    with SADCC. Change must come to South A#ica. The Summit urged the inter"ational
       programmes of cooperative actions in the fields of transport and communication, food security, soil conservation an
                                                 destabilization aimed at SADCC Member States. The objective of this destabilisation is
                                                   destabilization aimed at SADCC Member States. The objective of this destabilisation
        The Summit received a repor% #om the Council of Ministers on the prog'ess made in preparing the
                                                                                    communit$ to reflect that the nat)re and the rapidit$ at which such chance takes place will, to
                                                                                    the nature and the rapidity at which such chance takes place will, to an extent, depend on decision
       land utilization, crop research, control of animal diseases, manpower development, industrial development, energy
                                                  to undermine the security of SADCC Member States and sabotage SADCC’s efforts to
                                                   is to under(ine the securit$ of SADCC Member States and sabotage SADCC’s effor%s
       g'oundwork for prog'ammes of cooperative actions in the fields of t'anspor% and communication,
                                                                                    an ex%ent, depend on decision taken by those providing the regime with such suppor%.
       development, financial mechanisms and security printing. They congratulated the Ministers and their officials on the
                                                                                    taken by those providing the regime with such support.
       speed and thoroughness with which they are implementing the Lusaka Programme of Action.
       food securit$, soil conser,ation an land utilization, crop research, cont'ol of animal diseases, manpower
                                                                                     SADCC’s nex% conference with its inter"ational co-operating par%"ers will be held later this
       development, indust'ial development, energ$ development, financial mechanisms and securit$
                                                   The main focus of the nex% Annual Conference to be held in Maser), Lesotho in
                                                  achieve economic liberation.”     SADCC’s next conference with its international co­operating partners will be held later this year
                                                                                     year in Lusaka. Among those invited will be count'ies which have considerable and close
                                                  The main focus of the next Annual Conference to be held in Maseru, Lesotho in January
                                                   to achieve economic liberation.”
       which they are implementing the Lusaka Prog'amme of Action.
       printing. They cong'at)lated the Ministers and their officials on the speed and thoroughness with
                                                                                    in Lusaka. Among those invited will be countries which have considerable and close ties with
      be examined during 1981. ...
      They expressed the view that progress already made has established a firm base for the enlargement of areas of co­
                                                                                     ties with and influence on South A#ica — the Summit appealed to them, again, to use that
                                                   Januar$ 1983 will be Indust'ial and Ag'icult)ral cooperation.
                                                                                    and influence on South Africa — the Summit appealed to them, again, to use that influence to
      operation and noted with satisfaction that Malawi has been allocated the responsibility for coordinating a regional
                                                                                     influence to check the agg'ession being waged against SADCC Member States, since it is
                                                  1983 will be Industrial and Agricultural cooperation.
                                                                                    check the aggression being waged against SADCC Member States, since it is clearly irrational for
      approach to development of fisheries and wildlife. Other priority areas for co­operation within the ambit of SADCC will
                                                                                     clearly ir'ational for such count'ies to invest in regional in#ast')ct)re only to see such
      They ex*ressed the view that prog'ess already made has established a fir( base for the enlargement
                                                                                     such countries to invest in regional infrastructure only to see such resources wasted by South
      of areas of co-operation and noted with satisfaction that Malawi has been allocated the responsibilit$
                                                                                     resources wasted by South A#ica sabotage. ...
      co-operation within the ambit of SADCC will be examined during 1981. ...
     rather than a pledging conference....
      for coordinating a regional approach to development of fisheries and wildlife. Other priorit$ areas for
                                                                                     Africa sabotage. ...
     The Summit received a report on the preparations for the Blantyre Conference, which is scheduled to take place on 19­
     20 November, 1981 and endorsed the arrangements proposed. The Conference will be largely of a consultative nature
                                                   COMMUNIQUÉ   UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA, ARUSHA 9 AUGUST 1985
      The Summit received a repor% on the preparations for the Blant$'e Conference, which is scheduled to
     largely of a consultative nat)re rather than a pledging conference....
                                                   “...The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Southern African Liberation Movements: Mr h count
                                                               UNITEDREPUBLIC OFTANZANIA, ARUSHA 9 AUGUST1985

     take place on 19-20 November, 1981 and endorsed the ar'angements proposed. The Conference will be
                                                   Oliver Tambo, President of the African National Congress of South Africa; Mr Johnson Mlambo, Chairman rica sabotage. ...

    material ­ to SADCC. ...
     The President of Tanzania, H.E. Julius K. Nyerere expressed the gratitude of all SADCC Member States to the Government
                                                   “...The meeting was also a!ended by representatives of the Souther" A#ican Liberation Movements: Mr Oliver Tambo,
                                                   Organisation of Namibia.”                       BOTSWANA, GABORONE 6 JULY1984
                                                                                                   BOTSWANA, GABORONE 6 JULY 1984
                                                   of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania; Mr Sam Nujoma, President of the South West Africa People’s
    of Botswana for the crucial role it has so effectively played, from the very beginning, in providing SADCC with leadership,
                                                  President of the A#ican National Cong'ess of South A#ica; Mr Johnson Mlambo, Chair(an of the Pan A#icanist
     The President of Tanzania, H.E. Julius K. Nyerere ex*ressed the g'atit)de of all SADCC Member States
                                                                                     ... The Summit was also attended by the President of the African National Congress of South
                                                  Cong'ess of Azania; Mr Sam Nujoma, President of the South West A#ica People’s Organisation of Namibia.”
                                                                                      ... The Summit was also a!ended by the President of the A#ican National Cong'ess of South
    direction and continuity of service. Botswana has not spared itself in committing its scarce resources – both human and
     to the Gover"ment of Botswana for the cr)cial role it has so effectively played, #om the ver$ beginning,
                                                                                       A#ica, Mr Oliver Tambo, the President of the Pan A#icanist Cong'ess of Azania, John Pokela,
     in providing SADCC with leadership, direction and continuit$ of ser,ice. Botswana has not spared
    itself in commi!ing its scarce resources – both human and material - to SADCC. ...
                                                  The Summit considered and approved the Annual Prog'ess Repor% on the SADCC Prog'amme of Action covering
                                                  The Summit considered and approved the Annual Progress Report on the SADCC Programme of Action
                                                  covering the period July 1984­July 1985 and decided that the report should be issued for publication.
                                                  the period July 1984-July 1985 and decided that the repor% should be issued for publication. The repor% records the
                                                                                       and a representative of the South West A#ica People’s Organisation. ...
                                                                                       Botswana will chair meetings of the Summit and Council of Ministers for the next three years.
                                                                                       Botswana will chair meetings of the Summit and Council of Ministers for the nex% three
                                                  result of five years of cooperation for economic liberation in Souther" A#ica. The Summit noted with satisfaction
                                                  The report records the result of five years of cooperation for economic liberation in Southern Africa.
    COMMUNIQUÉ                                    the prog'ess achieved in all the sectors...  Africa, Mr Oliver Tambo, the President of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, John Pokela,
                                                  The Summit noted with satisfaction the progress achieved in all the sectors...
                                                                                        years. The Summit appointed Hon. S.H. Makoni to the post of Executive Secretar$. ...
                          ANGOLA, LUANDA 22 AUGUST 1986    The Summit condemned the violence per*et'ated by the racist South A#ica regime against the people of South A#ica  and a representative of the South West Africa People’s Organisation. ...
                                                                                        The Summit considered the problem of discriminator$ f)nding of SADCC projects and
                           ANGOLA, LUANDA22 AUGUST1986
             ...Prior to the Official Opening of the Summit, the Chairman presented Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, former
                                                                                         decided to denounce such practices and to appeal to donor Gover"ments and agencies not
                                                  The Summit condemned the violence perpetrated by the racist South Africa regime against the people of
                                                                                        to denounce such practices and to appeal to donor Governments and agencies not to use their
        18   COMMUNIQUÉ                          itself but hangs ominously over the whole of Souther" A#ica. The apar%heid regime continues to ar'ogantly occupy  The Summit appointed Hon. S.H. Makoni to the post of Executive Secretary. ...
                                                  South Africa particularly the mounting loss of life and the mass arrests. The violence of apartheid is not only
                                                  par%icularly the mounting loss of life and the mass ar'ests. The violence of apar%heid is not only confined to South A#ica
             ...Prior to the Official Opening of the Summit, the Chair(an presented Mwalimu Julius Nyerere,
             President of the United Republic of Tanzania, with the Seretse Khama SADCC medal; in recognition of
                                                                                         to use their aid prog'ammes in a!empts to divide SADCC Member States and under(ine
                                                  confined to South Africa itself but hangs ominously over the whole of Southern Africa. The apartheid regime
             for(er President of the United Republic of Tanzania, with the Seretse Khama SADCC medal; in
             his outstanding contribution to the creation and development of SADCC and to the struggle for  apar%heid, the occupation of Namibia and the acts of destabilization against our States.   The Summit considered the problem of discriminatory funding of SADCC projects and decided
                                                  continues to arrogantly occupy Namibia and to brutalize her people in complete defiance of international
             recog"ition of his outstanding cont'ibution to the creation and development of SADCC and to the
                                                 Namibia and to br)talize her people in complete defiance of inter"ational law and opinion. It has intensified its militar$
             economic liberation in Southern Africa. Mwalimu Nyerere is the first person to be so honoured by
                                                  law and opinion. It has intensified its military attacks and acts of destabilization against its neighbours. A
                                                 a!acks and acts of destabilization against its neighbours. A new initiative is urgently called for to end the violence of
             st')ggle for economic liberation in Souther" A#ica. Mwalimu Nyerere is the first person to be so
                                                 of destabilization against our States.
                                                 new initiative is urgently called for to end the violence of apartheid, the occupation of Namibia and the acts
             SADCC.                              Recog"ising that this is the last Summit Conference which Mwalimu Nyerere will a!end as President of Tanzania,  aid programmes in attempts to divide SADCC Member States and undermine their cooperation.
             honoured by SADCC.
             The Summit also noted that, as a result both of the return of normal rains in most Member States and  recorded with appreciation his g'eat cont'ibutions over a quar%er of a cent)r$ to the cause of A#ican liberation  their cooperation.
             The Summit also noted that, as a result both of the ret)r" of nor(al rains in most Member States
             improvements in agricultural productivity, the food position in the region has improved considerably.
                                                 Recognising that this is the last Summit Conference which Mwalimu Nyerere will attend as President of
                                                 the Summit paid t'ibute to him for his impor%ant role in the creation and development of SADCC. The Summit
              and improvements in ag'icult)ral productivit$, the food position in the region has improved
             The situation in Angola, Botswana and Mozambique, however, remains of concern; since, for Botswana,  Nyerere’s talents and ex*erience would in f)t)re be even more readily available for the advancement, in a wider
                                                 Tanzania, the Summit paid tribute to him for his important role in the creation and development of
              considerably. The sit)ation in Angola, Botswana and Mozambique, however, remains of concer";
              drought has persisted and, in Angola and Mozambique, South African supported bandit activity has
                                                 SADCC. The Summit recorded with appreciation his great contributions over a quarter of a century to
              since, for Botswana, drought has persisted and, in Angola and Mozambique, South A#ican
                                                 and to human dig"it$ and equalit$ in general. The Summit hoped that on relinquishing the Presidency, Mwalimu
              suppor%ed bandit activit$ has disr)pted food production and dist'ibution. The Summit emphasized of
              disrupted  food  production  and  distribution.  The  Summit  emphasized  the  critical  importance
                                                 the cause of African liberation and to human dignity and equality in general. The Summit hoped that on
              developing a coherent and comprehensive regional approach to agricultural production and food
                                                field, of the causes and principles with which he has for many years, identified himself. ...
                                                 relinquishing the Presidency, Mwalimu Nyerere’s talents and experience would in future be even more
              the critical impor%ance of developing a coherent and comprehensive regional approach to
                                                 for many years, identified himself. ...
                                                 readily available for the advancement, in a wider field, of the causes and principles with which he has
              security and urged SADC Ministers responsible for Agriculture to redouble their efforts in this regard.
              ag'icult)ral production and food securit$ and urged SADC Ministers responsible for Ag'icult)re
              The Summit noted with approval the decision of the SADCC Council of Ministers to establish an intra­
              to redouble their effor%s in this regard.  COMMUNIQUÉ  ANGOLA,LUANDA22AUG  8
              SADCC trade promotion Programme. Because of the low production base in the region and limited range
              The Summit noted with approval the decision of the SADCC Council of Ministers to establish an
              of regionally traded goods the programme has, as an integral part, the expansion of production in the  COMMUNIQUÉ  ZIMBABWE, HARARE 25 AUGUST 1989
              int'a-SADCC t'ade promotion Prog'amme. Because of the low production base in the region and
              Member States on the basis of complimentary, comparative advantage and the equitable distribution
              limited range of regionally t'aded goods the prog'amme has, as an integ'al par%, the ex*ansion of
              production in the Member States on the basis of complimentar$, comparative advantage and the
                                                                                       ...The Summit was also attended by the leaders of the Southern African Liberation Movements:
              of benefits. ...
                                                                                                    ZIMBABWE, HARARE25 AUGUST1989
              equitable dist'ibution of benefits. ...                                   Mlambo, Chairman of the Pan African Congress of Azania; Mr Toivo Ja Toivo, Secretary General of the South
              The summit also noted that, given the sector’s strong linkages with Industry, a new sector in the Programme  West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia. ...
                                                                                       Mr Thabo Mbeki, Secretary for External Affairs of the African National Congress of South Africa; Mr Johnson
              The summit also noted that, given the sector’s st'ong linkages with Indust'$, a new sector in the
              of Action, of Industry and Trade, has been created under the overall coordination of the United Republic of
                                                                                       ...The Summit was also a!ended by the leaders of the Souther" A#ican Liberation Movements:
              Prog'amme of Action, of Indust'$ and Trade, has been created under the overall coordination of the
                                                                                       Mr Thabo Mbeki, Secretar$ for Ex%er"al Affairs of the A#ican National Cong'ess of South A#ica; Mr
              Tanzania.”                                                              States. The region recorded an average GDP growth rate of about 4.5%, representing both a real increase in
              United Republic of Tanzania.”
                                                                                       The Summit noted, with satisfaction, the improvement in the performance of the economies of member
                                                                                       Johnson Mlambo, Chair(an of the Pan A#ican Cong'ess of Azania; Mr Toivo Ja Toivo, Secretar$ General
                                                                                       of the South West A#ica People’s Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia. ...
                                                             MOZAMBIQUE, MAPUTO15 JULY1988
       COMMUNIQUÉ                                                                     per capita income, and a reversal of over ten years of economic decline. This good performance is the result
       COMMUNIQUÉ                                           MOZAMBIQUE, MAPUTO15 JULY1988      The Summit noted, with satisfaction, the improvement in the perfor(ance of the economies of member
                     ZAMBIA, LUSAKA 24 JULY 1987                                      of the economic adjustment measures that most member States have taken; the up­turn in commodity prices,
                                               ... With regard to the implementation of the SADCC Programme of Action,
                                               ... With regard to the implementation of the SADCC Prog'amme of Action,
                     ZAMBIA, LUSAKA24 JULY1987      COMMUNIQUÉ                        policy and price incentives for the sector. ...
                                                                                       States. The region recorded an average GDP g'owth rate of about 4.5%, representing both a real increase
                                                                                      especially minerals; and increased agricultural production, resulting from favourable weather conditions, and
                                               The Summit noted with appreciation prog'ess achieved in the priorit$ sector of Transpor%
                                               The Summit noted with appreciation progress achieved in the priority sector of Transport and  The Summit instructed the Council of Ministers to formalise SADCC, and give it an appropriate legal status,
                                                                                       in per capita income, and a reversal of over ten years of economic decline. This good perfor(ance is the
       “... Chairman made a posthumous presentation of the Seretse Khama SADCC Medal to the late Samora Moises Machel,
                                               and Communications which has led to increased utilisation of regional routes through Beira
                                                                                      result of the economic adjust(ent measures that most member States have taken; the up-t)r" in commodit$
       President of Mozambique; in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the creation and development of SADCC,
       “... Chair(an made a posthumous presentation of the Seretse Khama SADCC Medal to the late Samora Moises
                                                and Dar es Salaam. Fur%her the Summit welcomed the prog'ess in ar'angements to f)lly
                                                                                      conditions, and policy and price incentives for the sector. ...
                                                                                      prices, especially minerals; and increased ag'icult)ral production, resulting #om favourable weather
                                               Salaam. Further the Summit welcomed the progress in arrangements to fully rehabilitate the
       Government of Mozambique. ...”          Communications which has led to increased utilisation of regional routes through Beira and Dar es  community to assist in this process.
       and to the struggle for economic liberation in Southern Africa. The Medal was received by H.E. Joaquim Chissano,
       Machel, President of Mozambique; in recog"ition of his outstanding cont'ibution to the creation and development
                                                Maputo transport system, and also expressed the hope that arrangements for the rehabilitation of
                                                                                      taking into account the need to replace the SADCC Memorandum of Understanding with an Agreement,
       President of the People’s Republic of Mozambique, on behalf of the family of Samora Machel, and the people and
                                                                                      Charter or Treaty, to be prepared in readiness for signature during the 1990 Summit.
       of SADCC, and to the st')ggle for economic liberation in Souther" A#ica. The Medal was received by H.E. Joaquim
       people and Gover"ment of Mozambique. ...”
                                                                                      The Summit inst')cted the Council of Ministers to for(alise SADCC, and give it an appropriate legal stat)s,
                                                Maputo  t'anspor%  system,  and  also  ex*ressed  the  hope  that  ar'angements  for  the
                                                rehabilitate the
       Chissano, President of the People’s Republic of Mozambique, on behalf of the family of Samora Machel, and the
                                                the Lobito Corridor in Angola can proceed without delay.
                                                                                      taking into account the need to replace the SADCC Memorandum of Understanding with an Ag'eement,
                                                                                      Char%er or Treat$, to be prepared in readiness for sig"at)re during the 1990 Summit.
                                                rehabilitation of the Lobito Cor'idor in Angola can proceed without delay.
                                                                                     The Summit welcomed the initiatives of the governments of Angola and Mozambique to bring peace to these
       ... The Summit also noted, with great concern, the impact of the region’s crippling debt burden on the economies of
                                                The Summit also noted the improvement in the food sit)ation in the region following
                                                                                     member States, and agreed that it will be necessary, following the restoration of peace there, to rehabilitate
       ... The Summit also noted, with g'eat concer", the impact of the region’s crippling debt burden on the economies
      institutions, to take all appropriate measures to lighten this burden. ...
      Member States;...  The Summit called upon the international community, and particularly credit countries and
                                                                                      The Summit welcomed the initiatives of the gover"ments of Angola and Mozambique to bring peace to
                                                                                     their economies, and particularly to resettle displaced persons. The Summit therefore, urged the international
                                                weather conditions. However, the Summit regretted the continued serious food shortages in Angola
                                                favourable weather conditions. However, the Summit reg'e!ed the continued serious food
                                                                                      these member States, and ag'eed that it will be necessar$, following the restoration of peace there, to
      of Member States;...  The Summit called upon the inter"ational communit$, and par%icularly credit count'ies and
      instit)tions, to take all appropriate measures to lighten this burden. ...
                                                and Mozambique, caused mainly by South Africa’s aggression and destabilisation activities,
                                                                                     the inter"ational communit$ to assist in this process.
                                                 shor%ages in Angola and Mozambique, caused mainly by South A#ica’s agg'ession and
                                                                                     rehabilitate their economies, and par%icularly to rese!le displaced persons. The Summit therefore, urged
                                                 destabilisation activities, whichhave disr)pted r)ral life and displaced millions of people in
                                                whichhave disrupted rural life and displaced millions of people in these two Member States.
                                                                                     The Summit also recognized that the impending independence of Namibia will bring both challenges and
      The Summit noted progress in the priority sector of Transport and Communications, including the rehabilitation of the
      The Summit noted prog'ess in the priorit$ sector of Transpor% and Communications, including the rehabilitation
                                                                                     opportunities to SADCC. While the Summit welcomed the implementation of Resolution 435, it also expressed
      Beira­Machipanda Railway through Mozambique to Zimbabwe; work on the container terminal at Nacala port and
                                                                                     The Summit also recog"ized that the impending independence of Namibia will bring both challenges and
      of the Beira-Machipanda Railway through Mozambique to Zimbabwe; work on the container ter(inal at Nacala
                                                                                     disquiet at the efforts of the South African government to undermine the good conduct of fair and free
                                                 The meeting noted with gratitude the increasing level of support for SADCC by the international
                                                                                     oppor%)nities to SADCC. While the Summit welcomed the implementation of Resolution 435, it also
      railway rehabilitation; in Maputo, the rehabilitation of Limpopo railway; in Dar es Salaam, work on the port was
                                                 The meeting noted with g'atit)de the increasing level of suppor% for SADCC by the
                                                 these t+o Member States.
      por% and railway rehabilitation; in Maputo, the rehabilitation of Limpopo railway; in Dar es Salaam, work on the
                                                                                    elections in Namibia. The Summit, therefore, called upon the United Nations Security Council, and the
                                                                                     ex*ressed disquiet at the effor%s of the South A#ican gover"ment to under(ine the good conduct of fair
                                                 inter"ational communit$, as evidenced by the high-level of representation, and the amountes
                                                 community, as evidenced by the high­level of representation, and the amount of financial pledg
                                                                                    determination is not undermined in any way.
      progressing and the second phase of TAZARA rehabilitation; and regarding Lobito in Angola, discussion were underway
     Lobito Cor'idor.                           The Summit also noted the improvement in the food situation in the region following favourable  The Summit strongly condemned the continuing oppression and exploitation of the black majority of South
                                                                                    international community as a whole, to take measures to ensure that the right of Namibians to self­
      por% was prog'essing and the second phase of TAZARA rehabilitation; and regarding Lobito in Angola, discussion
                                                                                     and #ee elections in Namibia. The Summit, therefore, called upon the United Nations Securit$ Council,
     on the rehabilitation of the Benguela Railway and preparation of a 10­year development plan for Lobito Corridor.
                                                 of financial pledges made at the 1988 SADCC Annual Consultative Conference, held in
                                                 made at the 1988 SADCC Annual Consultative Conference, held in Arusha, Tanzania last January.
                                                                                     self-deter(ination is not under(ined in any way.
     were under+ay on the rehabilitation of the Beng)ela Railway and preparation of a 10-year development plan for
                                                                                     and the inter"ational communit$ as a whole, to take measures to ensure that the right of Namibians to
     The spectre of drought is once again haunting the region, and undermining the efforts of Member States to achieve
                                                 The Summit again observed with utmost concern the continued escalation of violence in the region,  structures remain in force.
                                                  The Summit again obser,ed with ut(ost concer" the continued escalation of violence in the
                                                 Ar)sha, Tanzania last Januar$.
                                                                                    The Summit st'ongly condemned the continuing oppression and ex*loitation of the black majorit$ of South
                                                                                    Africans, and called upon the South African government to release the authentic political leaders of the
     The spect'e of drought is once again haunting the region, and under(ining the effor%s of Member States to achieve
     food self­sufficiency. The Summit appealed for assistance for all Member States which are experiencing food deficits.
                                                 caused by South Africa’s aggression and destabilisation activities in a vain attempt to defend
                                                  region, caused by South A#ica’s agg'ession and destabilisation activities in a vain a!empt
                                                                                    A#icans, and called upon the South A#ican gover"ment to release the authentic political leaders of the
                                                                                    majority of the people, and to unban their organisations. The Summit also urged the South African government
     A special appeal was also made to SADCC’s main cooperating partners to support the proposed Regional Food Reserve,
     food self-sufficiency. The Summit appealed for assistance for all Member States which are ex*eriencing food deficits.
     to provide “a mechanism for meeting such crises, especially from local production.
                                                 apartheid. Further the Summit regretted the loss of life and property, on both sides, and the
                                                                                    majorit$ of the people, and to unban their organisations. The Summit also urged the South A#ican
                                                  to defend apar%heid. Fur%her the Summit reg'e!ed the loss of life and proper%$, on both
                                                                                    to engage in genuine negotiations to bring apartheid to an end, and agree on a political dispensation
     A special appeal was also made to SADCC’s main cooperating par%"ers to suppor% the proposed Regional Food
     Reser,e, to provide “a mechanism for meeting such crises, especially #om local production.
                                                                                    gover"ment to engage in genuine negotiations to bring apar%heid to an end, and ag'ee on a political
                                                                                    acceptable to all. The Summit condemned current efforts by the white minority regime to hoodwink
                                                  sides, and the displacement of millions of people as a direct consequence of the actions of
                                                                                    dispensation acceptable to all. The Summit condemned cur'ent effor%s by the white minorit$ regime to
                                                                                   international public opinion by declarations on the need for change, with no substance; whilst apartheid
                                                  the South A#ican gover"ment. The Summit urged the South A#ican gover"ment to accept
                                                  government. The Summit urged the South African government to accept that apartheid, or any
                                                                                    apar%heid st')ct)res remain in force.
     “The summit reviewed the situation in the region and noted that the continuation and intensification of South Africa’s
                                                                                    hoodwink inter"ational public opinion by declarations on the need for change, with no substance; whilst
     “The summit reviewed the sit)ation in the region and noted that the continuation and intensification of South
                                                  that apar%heid, or any other scheme for the ar%ificial separation of the races in Souther"
                                                  other scheme for the artificial separation of the races in Southern Africa was doomed to failure, and
    acts of aggression and destabilisation against Member States. The Summit noted especially the new pattern of
    A#ica’s acts of agg'ession and destabilisation against Member States. The Summit noted especially the new pa!er"
                                                  A#ica was doomed to failure, and to enter into meaning-)l negotiations with the genuine
                                                  to enter into meaningful negotiations with the genuine leaders of the black majority in South Africa.
    independence for Namibia.                     displacement of millions of people as a direct consequence of the actions of the South African  South Africa. ...
    assassinations and abductions of innocent civilians by South African agents. ...The Summit called upon the international
                                                                                   On the other hand, the Summit was encouraged by the initiatives taken by different groups of the white
                                                                                    On the other hand, the Summit was encouraged by the initiatives taken by different g'oups of the white
                                                                                   of South A#ica. ...
    of assassinations and abductions of innocent civilians by South A#ican agents. ...The Summit called upon the
    Apar%heid; and independence for Namibia.
                                                                                   population to establish contacts, and engage in consultations with the liberation movement, on the future of
    community to take concerted action to stop South Africa aggression, towards the dismantling of Apartheid; and
                                                                                   population to establish contacts, and engage in consultations with the liberation movement, on the f)t)re
    inter"ational communit$ to take concer%ed action to stop South A#ica agg'ession, towards the dismantling of
                                                   leaders of the black majorit$ in South A#ica.
                                                  The Summit noted the appreciable progress made in the negotiations for the withdrawal of South
                                                   The Summit noted the appreciable prog'ess made in the negotiations for the withdrawal of
                                                  African troops from Angola and to bring independence to Namibia. The Summit further expressed
                                                   South A#ican t'oops #om Angola and to bring independence to Namibia. The Summit
    The Summit noted the recent legislation passed in the Cong'ess of the United States of America to provide
    The Summit noted the recent legislation passed in the Congress of the United States of America to provide assistance
   the region as a whole, the Summit:
                                                   f)r%her ex*ressed the hope that this development will usher in a more conducive climate
                                                   the hope that this development will usher in a more conducive climate for the necessary changes
    considerable benefit to the region as a whole, the Summit:
    assistance to SADCC. While recog"ising that the proposed US prog'amme of economic suppor% can be of
    to SADCC. While recognising that the proposed US programme of economic support can be of considerable benefit to
                                                   for the necessar$ changes in South A#ican Gover"ment to end apar%heid which is the
                                                   in South African Government to end apartheid which is the principal cause of conflict in the region.
                                                   principal cause of conflict in the region.
   Registered its st'ong objection to the specific exclusion of Angola and Mozambique #om these prog'ammes, and
   Registered its strong objection to the specific exclusion of Angola and Mozambique from these programmes, and
   a!empt to associate SADCC Member States with ter'orism. ...”
   to associate SADCC Member States with terrorism. ...”
   reaffir(ed its opposition to actions which violate the integ'it$ of SADCC; and  Ex*ressed its displeasure at the
   reaffirmed its opposition to actions which violate the integrity of SADCC; and    Expressed its displeasure at the attempt
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