Page 22 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 22

60 percent and hydro at 21 percent while other primary
                  sources such as gas and renewable energies are gradually
                          Notable progress was also recorded in the preparation
                  and implementation of priority interconnector projects to
                  connect Angola, Malawi and Tanzania to the Southern
                  African  Power  Pool  (SAPP)  grid.    T e  Mozambique-
                  Malawi interconnector reached f nancial closure and is at
                  construction stage. T e project is expected to be commis-
                  sioned in 2022. T e Zambia-Tanzania interconnector is
                  divided into several components and it is at construction
                  phase on both the Zambian side and Tanzanian side where
                  the two transmission lines are designed to converge near
                  Nakonde Border by 2022.
                          T e Angola-Namibia Interconnector reached the stage for a feasibility study, and is expected to
                  be commissioned by 2022 following the expression of commitment by the two Member States by sign-
                  ing the Inter-Governmental Memorandum of Understanding. Angola and DRC are also considering
                  the development of an interconnector project which is still at pre-feasibility stage.
                          T e  operationalisation  of  the  SADC  Centre  for  Renewable  Energy  and  Energy  Ef  ciency
                  (SACREEE) continued during the year. T e Inter-Governmental Memorandum of Agreement has so
                  far been signed by 10 Member States.
                          A number of policy, regulatory and strategic framework documents for the Tripartite Transport
                  and Transit Facilitation Programme were approved by the Ministers responsible for Transport in the
                  Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC) and
                  SADC in October 2019. T ese include policy decisions relating to phasing out of lef -hand drive vehi-
                  cles in Member States driving on the lef  side of the road; terms of reference for development of the
                  SADC Regional Railway Infrastructure Development Master Plan; and the SADC Regional Railway
                  Emergency Response Charter. Harmonization of these instruments is critical for development of re-  19
                  gional infrastructure and promotion of economic development, trade and investment.
                          In the water sector, construction works on the Kunene Transboundary Water Supply Project were
                  completed. T is is a joint project between Angola and Namibia, aimed at increasing the assurance of
                  water supply to the two countries for drinking, agriculture and industrial development for the com-
                  munities and towns of southern Angola and northern Namibia. T e project had two major components:
                  the Calueque-Oshakati trans-border pipeline and canal repair works, and water supply system to the
                  Calueque Village in Angola; and water supply system construction works in the Angolan town of Santa
                  Clara. Completion of activities under this project resulted in over 330 households being provided with
                  clean and reliable water supply in Calueque village and ensured the provision of improved assurance
                  of potable water supply to the Santa Clara community.
                          T rough the Southern African Regional Climate Services for Disaster Resilience programme, me-
                  teorological equipment was deployed to Member States. T e equipment is expected to improve the ca-
                  pacity of national meteorological and hydrological services to access, process and monitor weather-
                  and climate-related data and systems for timely early warning and disaster management. T e Secretariat
                  continued to provide timely weather and climate information to minimize adverse ef ects of severe
                  weather and climate phenomena.

                  Agriculture, Food Security and Natural Resources
                  A Regional Strategy on Conservation and Utilization of Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR)
                  was developed. T e Strategy aims at improving agricultural production and maintenance of
                  species diversity for present and future generation. In addition, the region developed SADC
                  Strategy for Elimination of Dog-Mediated Human Rabies to address zoonosis, and minimize
                  its impacts into human health, mainly in rural areas.
                          T e SADC Great Green Wall Initiative was to support regional ef orts to combat de-
                  sertif cation and strengthen climate change adaptation and secure adequate food and nu-
                  trition security was also developed. In order to harmonise policies and strategies towards
                  the development and growth of tourism in the region, the SADC Regional Tourism Pro-
                  gramme was developed.
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