Page 24 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 24

SADC-AfDB Cooperation
                  T e Multinational Protocol of Agreement between SADC and the African Development
                  Bank (AfDB) was signed in August 2019 to support the region in the development of SADC
                  regional infrastructure projects; development of regional value chains in the mining sector;
                  in operationalization of the SADC Regional Development Fund and development of f nan-
                  cial instruments; and strengthening of project management. T e project is to be imple-
                  mented over the three-year period from August 2019 to May 2021. SADC also received
                  support from the AfDB to strengthen responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

                  SADC-World Bank Cooperation
                  T e World Bank continued to extend its regional support to SADC through SADC bodies,
                  such as the Southern African Power Pool, Centre for Coordination
                  of  Agriculture  Research  and  Development  in  Southern  Africa
                  (CCARDESA) and support to other SADC projects.

                  SADC-EU Cooperation
                  During the period under review, SADC continues to cooperate with
                  the European Union, and under the 11th EDF Regional Indicative
                  Programme and Intra-ACP Indicative Programme, development
                  cooperation programmes were signed to support regional develop-
                  ment interventions in the areas of regional economic integration,
                  peace and security, natural resources management, and climate
                  change. T e region also received support from the EU to augment
                  SADC’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                 H.E. Amb. Sadek of the EU and Dr
                  SADC-Germany Cooperation                                                       Tax at the signing ceremony during
                  Bilateral Negotiations on Development Cooperation between SADC and the Federal Re-  the 39th SADC Summit in Tanzania
                  public of Germany were conducted in November 2019. T e negotiations enabled SADC
                  and Germany to review implementation of ongoing programmes and agree on further areas          21
                  of cooperation, which included Regional Economic Integration; Transboundary Water
                  Management; Transboundary Natural Resource Management and Resilience to Climate
                  Change; and Strengthening National-Regional Linkages.

                  SADC-China Cooperation
                  T e Framework Agreement on Economy, Trade, Investment and Technical Cooperation
                  between SADC and the Government of the People’s Republic of China was signed in Oc-
                  tober 2019. T e objective of the framework agreement is to strengthen cooperation in areas
                  of mutual interests.

                  Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax
                  SADC Executive Secretary
                  August 2020

                   SADC Heads of State and Government during the last meeting held in the United Republic of Tanzania in August 2019
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