Page 28 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 28

The review culminated in the commis-  • Review of the long-term visions and de-
               sioning of another group of consultants in  velopment strategies/plans of Member
               June 2019 to develop the SADC Vision 2050  States and draw comparisons and simi-
               and the RISDP 2020-2030.              larities, and make recommendations on
                 In addition to being guided by the find-  the alignment of especially those priori-
               ings of the RISDP mid-term review, the for-  ties with a strong regional bearing and
               mulation  of  SADC  Vision  2050  and  the  the timeframes for their operationaliza-
               accompanying  RISDP  2020-2030  is  also  tion;
               guided by the conclusions of the Ministe-  • Generating a set of sectoral strategic ob-
               rial Retreat on the SADC We Want that was  jectives and priorities taking into consid-
               held in March 2017 in Eswatini.       eration  developments  in  the  various
                 The  retreat  highlighted  a  number  of  sectors;
               challenges that are hampering the attain-  • Drawing up a matrix indicating the pri-
               ment of the SADC Vision, including the  ority  pillars,  required  resources,  and
               lack of prioritization.               timeframe  for  implementation  of  the
                 The retreat called for “a more effective  RISDP 2020-2030;
               means to achieve these objectives, and to en-  • Developing a comprehensive monitor-
               sure that there is an equitable distribution of  ing and evaluation framework that will
               SADC regional integration benefits, and in-  include a set of key performance indica-
               vestments across Member States”.      tors and targets at each of the pillars of
                 The overall objective of the assignment  integration and sectoral priorities; and
               by the consultants is to formulate SADC  • Making proposals on the institutional
               Vision 2050 and a RISDP 2020-2030 as a  framework and capacity for the effective
               roadmap of the priority interventions for  implementation of the proposed strate-
               the first 10 years of implementing the vi-  gic interventions necessary to realize the
               sion.                                 development vision and design a com-                       25
                 The key tasks being undertaken by the  pliance mechanism for all stakeholders.
               consultants include:
               • A review of implemen-
                tation of existing proto-  SADC Vision 2050 Timeline
                cols;   policies   and
                strategies and establish-  Date       Key Activity/Output
                ing  the  progress  made
                against   set   targets,  June 2012   Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government approves the development of
                achievements, and iden-               the SADC Vision 2050. Matter was referred to Member States for further consultations and
                tify  constraints  and                contributions
                challenges that need to  August 2012  Input from the consultation process submitted to Council of Ministers and 32nd SADC
                be addressed in Vision                Summit for consideration
                2050;                   2013          Mid-term review of RISDP
               • Undertaking an environ-
                mental scan or situation  August 2014  Council discusses draft Revised RISDP 2015-2020 and SIPO
                analysis  of  the  SADC  April 2015   Revised RISDP 2015-2020 approved
                protocols,  policies  and  March 2017  Ministerial Retreat deliberates SADC long-term vision and related matters
                strategies  to  provide  a
                broad-based view of the  August 2018  Council of Ministers directs the Secretariat to align the SADC Vision 2050 to the African
                                                      Union Agenda 2063 and resolved that the Strategic Plan 2020-2030 should be termed the
                existing  situation.  The             RISDP 2020-2030
                environmental scan will
                also provide the social,  February 2019  The Secretariat commissions consultants to review the RISDP 2015-2020 as well as the SIPO
                economic,  political,  se-  June 2019  Consultants commissioned to develop the SADC Vision 2050 and the RISDP 2020-2030
                curity, technological, leg-  November 2019  SADC Secretariat convenes workshop on SADC Vision 2050 and RISDP 2020-30 for non-
                islative context in which             state actors
                the  community  func-   March 2020    Draft SADC Vision 2050 and RISDP 2020-30 presented to Council of Ministers
                tions or will function in
                future;                 August 2020   SADC Vision 2050 and RISDP 2020-30 presented to 40th SADC Summit for approval
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