Page 26 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 26


                 Introduction                                 minimum of 14 days; and treatment for those who test
                 Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures and  positive. Some Member States have introduced lockdown
                 the SADC region has been doing just that to combat the  measures, while allowing essential services to operate.
                 novel coronavirus identified in 2019 and formally known
                 as COVID-19.                                 Disaster Risk Management
                          Described by the World Health Organisation (WHO)  Member  States  have  agreed  to  establish  National
                 as the most serious health emergency in generations, the  Emergency Operations Centres to facilitate coordination
                 COVID-19  pandemic  has  affected  the  global  socio-  of logistics and stockpiling for disasters at national level,
                 economic landscape and resulted in the loss of many lives.  and to establish National Emergency Trust Funds and
                          The  priority  for  SADC  Member  States  in  their  National Resource Mobilization Strategies to facilitate the
                 response to COVID-19 has focused on the health and  mobilization of resources for national disaster responses.
                 wellbeing  of  the  public  and  has  involved  efforts  to
                 strengthen the public health systems while implementing  Suspension of Regional Face-to-Face Meetings
                 measures to curtail the spread of the virus, amid concerns  On  9  March  2020,  SADC  convened  an  extraordinary
                 that national medical facilities could be overwhelmed as  meeting of SADC Ministers of Health where existing
                 the virus spreads.                           knowledge and information on the COVID-19 outbreak
                          Most  SADC  Member  States  have  implemented  was shared, and Member States agreed to suspend physical
                 stringent measures to restrict the movement of people,  meetings until the situation improves.
                 encourage social distancing and promote sound hygiene
                 standards  in  order  to  curb  the  spread  of  COVID-19.  Re-establishment and Expansion of the Technical
       24        Unprecedented lockdowns have been implemented in a  Committee for Coordinating and Monitoring the
                 number of SADC Member States with most land borders  Implementation of the SADC Protocol on Health
                 closed or restricted, except for essential cargo and residents.   The Technical Committee is meeting on a regular basis to
                          In recent months, vaccination is a top priority for  advise the region on health and related matters, and other
                 Member States to protect citizens from the impact and  socio-economic  matters  related  to  the  COVID-19
                 effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.             pandemic.

                 Key Actions taken by SADC Member States      Mobilisation of Regional Support Towards Containment
                 Various  measures  have  been  taken  by  the  16  SADC  of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Mitigation of its Socio-
                 Member States, at national and regional levels, to address  Economic Impact on the SADC Region
                 the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the interventions are  The regional resource mobilisation initiative builds on
                 the following.                               national initiatives, and is based on gaps identified by
                                                              individual Member States to respond to the COVID-19
                 Adoption of World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines  short  to  long-term  needs.  Immediate  needs  include
                 on COVID -19                                 resources to support SADC Member States in acquiring
                 SADC Member States have adopted WHO guidelines on  essential  medicines,  medical  supplies  and  medical
                 COVID-19,  in  terms  of  preparedness;  coordination;  equipment,  especially  testing  kits,  Personal  Protective
                 planning  and  monitoring;  surveillance  and  case  Equipment (PPE) and ventilators. To this effect, the SADC
                 investigation; infection prevention and control; Water,  Secretariat is working with the African Development Bank
                 Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); risk communication and  (AfDB) and the Government of the Federal Republic of
                 community engagement, as well as guidance to schools,  Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
                 workplaces and institutions.                 Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

                 Implementation of National Level Interventions  SADC Pooled Procurement Services for Pharmaceuticals
                 SADC Member States have undertaken various measures  and Medical Supplies
                 that  include  preparedness  and  response  mechanisms;  The SADC Pooled Procurement is intended to provide
                 awareness  programmes;  suspension  of  inbound  and  sustainable  access  to  affordable  and  effective  essential
                 outbound  flights;  suspension  of  business  and  tourism  medicine and health commodities, and Member States
                 travel; set up of border and in-country testing centres;  have  been  encouraged  to  use  this  facility  for  the
                 social distancing and cancellation of gatherings; adoption  procurement of supplies for prevention, treatment and
                 of  self-isolation  and  mandatory  quarantines  for  a  control of COVID-19 and any other epidemics.
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