Page 27 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 27

Guidelines on Harmonisation and Facilitation of Cross  guidelines on COVID-19 including social distancing,
                 Border Transport Operations across the Region during  masks, lockdowns, and restricting social gatherings.
                 COVID-19                                           The SADC Secretariat will remain committed
                 The adopted Guidelines are intended to facilitate and ease  to the coordination of regional responses to contain and
                 the process of transporting essential goods and services  address  the  COVID-19  pandemic.  As  stated  by  the
                 within  the  region  during  the  COVID-19  pandemic.  communiqué of the SADC Extraordinary Summit held
                 Member  States  have  agreed  to  establish  a  National  23 June 2021 in Maputo, Mozambique, “Summit called
                 Transport and Trade Facilitation Committee or to use  upon countries that are limiting SADC residents to travel
                 similar  structures  (comprising  officials  from  the  to their countries based on origin and type of vaccine they
                 Ministries  responsible  for  Transport,  Health,  received to reconsider their positions.”
                 Police/Army,  and  Trade)  to  coordinate  the
                 implementation of the guidelines, and resolve operational
                 issues at borders or roadblocks. In addition, a SADC  SADC  Member  States  are  implementing  various
                 Regional COVID-19 Trade and Transport Facilitation  vaccination  programmes  to  address  the  COVID-19
                 Cell has been created at the SADC Secretariat to assist and  situation that has affected the global community, as well
                 coordinate  Member  States  and  Corridor  Groups  in  as safety measures such as masks, sanitizing and social
                 implementing guidelines.                    distance.  Extraordinary  times  call  for  extraordinary
                                                             measures and the SADC region did just that to combat
                 Partnership with United Nations Educational, Scientific  the COVID-19 pandemic including imposing lockdown
                 and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)          and curfew measures to combat the spread of the disease.
                 The SADC Secretariat has partnered with UNESCO on  Some cities across the region were deserted as people
                 an initiative known as #LearningNeverStops to support  stayed at home and many worked from home.
                 SADC  Member  States  in  reducing  the  impact  of  the
                 coronavirus on education, and in ensuring the continuity
                 of education and learning programmes. Through this
                 partnership, the SADC Secretariat and UNESCO commit  SADC leaders made several other commitments with regard to COVID-
                 to work with SADC Member States and other Global  19, at their Extra-Ordinary Summit on 23 June 2021 in Maputo, as stated
                 Coalition partners to provide support to Member States  in the official Summit Communiqué and quoted here:
                 to ensure the continuity of education under the hashtag  11.  Summit committed to enhance SADC regional and national
                 #LearningNeverStops. Support will be provided to SADC  capacities in research and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and
                 countries  to  develop  and  implement  innovative  and  other essential drugs and medicines, promotion of traditional  25
                 context-appropriate solutions to provide education and  and alternative medicines, and the development of vaccines.
                 learning remotely, while leveraging hi-tech, low-tech and  12.  Summit urged SADC Member States and the International
                 no-tech approaches, and seek equitable solutions and  Community to support the proposal for a temporary waiver of
                 universal access.                              certain provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects
                                                                of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to allow more countries
                 Introduction of SADC Regional Status Report on COVID 19  to produce COVID-19 vaccine, for more efficient response to
                 The  SADC  Regional  Status  Report  on  COVID  19  is  the COVID-19 pandemic.
                 produced and shared with Member States on a weekly  13.  Summit called upon the World Trade Organization (WTO) to
                 basis  with  recommendations  for  consideration  by  finalize negotiations on the waiver of certain provisions of the
                 Member States.                                 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of the Trade Related
                                                                Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), and expedite its
                 Monitoring and analysing the socio-economic impact of  operationalization.
                 COVID-19 on SADC economies                  14.  Summit called for the end of vaccine nationalism and for equal
                 The SADC Macroeconomic Subcommittee in coordination  access to vaccine by all countries.
                 with  the  SADC  Secretariat  has  been  monitoring  and  15.  Summit urged all SADC citizens to continue observing and
                 analysing the impacts of COVID-19 on SADC economies,  adhering to COVID-19 preventive measures.
                 and providing policy recommendations to Member States  16.  Summit called upon countries that are limiting SADC residents
                 on a continuous basis.                         to travel to their countries based on origin and type of vaccine
                                                                they received to reconsider their positions.
                 Daily updates on the status of COVID-19 in the region  17.  Summit commended H.E. President Matamela Cyril
                 Daily updates on COVID-19 in the region are posted on  Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, for championing the
                 the SADC website to facilitate the sharing of information  proposal to waive certain provisions of the Agreement on
                 and experiences.                               Trade Related Aspects of the Trade Related Intellectual
                                                                Property Rights (TRIPS), so as to enable more countries to
                 Way Forward for SADC                           produce COVID-19 vaccine and facilitate access to all.
                 To  maintain  and  improve  the  strategies  against  the  18.  Summit urged Member States to strengthen and expand
                 COVID-19 pandemic, SADC Member States are involved  coverage of social protection and safety nets programmes to
                 in vaccination programmes to protect people from the  cater for increasing numbers of food insecure population, and
                 effect and impact of the pandemic. All Member States are  to promote value addition through agro-processing.
                 vaccinating citizens and residents while abiding by WHO
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