Page 28 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 28


     President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi hosted the 40th SADC Summit
     that was held virtually and coordinated from Maputo,
     Mozambique on 17-18 August 2020, and he became the SADC
     Chairperson for the period August 2020-August 2021.   Vision 2050 was approved by the 40th SADC Summit in August 2020, as a long-term vision that sets out the
                                            aspirations of the region until 2050, with a new strategic plan to deepen regional integration over the next 10 years.
                                            The RISDP 2020-2030 presents the development trajectory for the SADC region until 2030.

                    H.E. President Dr John Pombe Joseph Magufuli waits in line to
                    cast his ballot in the General Election of 28 October 2020. He
                    won a landslide victory and was sworn in on 5 November 2020
                    for his second five-year term as President of the United
                    Republic of Tanzania.


                  President Magufuli passed away on 17 March 2021,
                  leaving a legacy of infrastructure development and his
                  no-nonsense approach to the way government
                  operates. As SADC Chairperson from August 2019 -                       “Summit also expressed deep
                  August 2020, he oversaw the development of the SADC                    condolences to Government of His
                  Vision 2050 and its first 10-year plan, the RISDP 2020-                Majesty, people of Eswatini, and the
                  2030, as well as approval of the SADC Protocol on                      Dlamini family on passing of the Right
                  Industry, and the adoption of Kiswahili as the fourth                  Honourable Prime Minister of the
                  SADC Official Working Language.                                        Kingdom of Eswatini, His Excellency
                          Following his untimely death, H.E. Samia Suluhu
                  Hassan, who was then Vice President, was sworn in as                   Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini, an
                  President for the remainder of the five-year term                      experienced leader and businessman who
                  ending in 2025, becoming the first woman to be the                     served the Kingdom of Eswatini, and the
                  President of Tanzania.                                                 SADC Region with utmost diligence.”
                      The Extra-Ordinary Summit of SADC Heads of                         Communiqué of the Extraordinary Summit of
                  State and Government held on 23 June 2021 expressed                    SADC Heads of State and Government,
                  heartfelt condolences to Dr. Magufuli’s family, H.E.                   23 June 2021, Maputo, Mozambique
                  President Hassan, the Government and the People of
                  the United Republic of Tanzania, saying he was “a
                  Visionary leader who championed the development of
                  Africa, the removal of sanctions on Zimbabwe and the
                  introduction and recognition of Kiswahili, a language
                  which was used during the liberation struggle; and
                  stood for the political and economic independence of
                  the Continent, and the use of Africa’s natural resources
                  for the benefit of its peoples.”
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