Page 33 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 33


              Mechanism in Honour of SADC Founders

              “Summit approved the Mechanism in Honour of the Founders  President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius
              of  SADC,  and  urged  Member  States  to  operationalize  the  Nyerere. Tanzania hosted and supported the OAU Liberation
              Mechanism.” From Communique of the 40th SADC Summit held  Committee for 30 years from 1963, and the people of Tanzania
              on 17-18 August 2020 in Maputo, Mozambique       contributed significantly to freeing Africa by accommodating
                                                               liberation movements in their country, supporting them and
              In August 2020, the 40th SADC Summit of Heads of State and  providing diplomatic, logistic and material support.
              Government approved the Mechanism in Honour of SADC          Mwalimu Nyerere was Chairman of the Frontline States
              Founders, including the use of modern technology to capture  and one of the Founders of SADC.
              the attention of the younger generation. Its implementation
              includes  the  naming  of  venues  and  rooms  at  the  SADC  Teaching and Learning Southern African Liberation History
              Secretariat  and  satellite  offices;  and  in  Member  States  to  SADC Ministers responsible for Education and Training, Sci-
              (re)name public buildings including Government buildings and  ence, Technology and Innovation convened a virtual meeting
              Parliament Offices, airports, streets and universities, after the  on 16 June 2021 where they approved the roadmap for the in-
              SADC Founders.                                   tegration of Southern African Liberation History (SALH) and
                      The construction of a modern museum was identified as  Global Citizenship Education (GCED) in the school curricu-
              one of the major initiatives to sustain the legacy of the Founders  lum in SADC Member States, requesting UNESCO and other
              in perpetuity as a one-stop-shop for archiving artefacts and  partners to support the Regional Working Group and Member
              documents about the Founders and their legacy, including the  States in this regard.
              permanent preservation of the SADC Founders’ historical          The SADC Council of Ministers had approved the inclu-
              record, Southern Africa’s liberation struggle, and progress made  sion of SALH in the school syllabus in August 2017 and re-
              in regional integration, as well as wide accessibility of such  quested Ministers of Education to operationalize the decision
              information to the public.                       to enable the younger generation to learn about the liberation
                       The museum will collect and showcase the heritage of the  heritage and advance social cohesion in the region.
              Founders through a collection of books, artefacts, memorabilia,          SADC has already begun to produce resource materials for
              regalia,  movies  and  works  of  art,  and  its  construction  is  this purpose in partnership with UNESCO and the Southern
              expected to start in the 2022-2023 Financial Year.  African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) follow-
                                                               ing a meeting of regional history experts hosted by Namibia.    31
              Gradual Introduction of Kiswahili among SADC Languages          The production of Modules started under a programme on
              “Summit approved Kiswahili as the Fourth SADC Official  the Regional Dimensions and Linkages of the National Libera-
              Working Language, in recognition of its contribution, Mwalimu  tion Movements in the SADC Region. Each module comprises
              Julius Kambarage Nyerere’s role in the liberation struggle of  of a short video, an illustrated booklet for print and online, and
              Southern Africa.” From Communiqué of the 39th SADC Summit  social media messaging. Module 1 has been completed with the
              held on 17-18 August 2019 in Dar es Salaam, United Republic  title, Youth in the Liberation Struggle and Beyond, and has been
              of Tanzania                                      running on social media for more than a year as a pilot initia-
                                                               tive, with a significant following, indicating the keen interest of
              Kiswahili is now an official working language of SADC through  the current generation. The Module 1 video was shown to
              interpretation  at  SADC  Summits,  Council  meetings,  and  SADC Council of Ministers in August 2019.
              Ministerial Committee meetings, following the decision to          Module 2 on teaching liberation history in Southern Africa
              introduce Kiswahili on a gradual approach by using it first  is in production, following a curriculum review conducted by
              through interpretation at SADC Summit and Council. The  the SADC Secretariat and UNESCO Regional Office for South-
              decision to add Ministerial Committee meetings was taken in  ern Africa with SADC Member States. The initiative seeks to
              March 2021.                                      support the Member States in their efforts to provide learners
                       The decision to adopt Kiswahili as the Fourth SADC  with an appreciation and understanding of the shared re-
              Official  Working  Language  was  to  honour  the  Founding  gional heritage, solidarity and linkages.

             The Legacy of H.E. Dr Kenneth David Kaunda
             “Summit expressed deepest condolences to Former President Dr Kaunda’s family, His Excellency Dr. Presi-
             dent Edgar Chagwa Lungu, the Government and the People of the Republic of Zambia following the passing
             on of H.E. Dr Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda, first President of the Republic of Zambia and the last surviving
             founding father of SADC...; and paid tribute to late former President Dr. Kaunda for the pivotal role he played
             in the liberation struggle, and for laying a solid foundation for regional integration of Southern Africa.”
             From Communiqué of the Extra-Ordinary Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government held on 23 June,
             2021 in Maputo, Mozambique
                     The death of the founding President of independent Zambia, Dr Kenneth David Kaunda has robbed Zambia
             of its liberation leader and deprived Southern Africa of a strong campaigner for African unity and deeper regional
             integration. He served as President of Zambia from Independence in 1964 until 1991, and he hosted the historic
             summit in April 1980 in Lusaka, that established the Southern African Development Coordination Conference
             (SADCC) and its resultant Community known as SADC established in 1992. Dr. Kaunda, popularly known
             as KK, died on 17 June 2021 in Lusaka.
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