Page 38 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 38


                             REPUBLIC OF MALAWI

                             Official Name                                     Republic of Malawi
                             Independence Day                            6 July 1964
                              President                                             H.E. Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera
                              Vice President                                    Right Honourable Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima
                              System of Government                    Multi-party Democracy
                              Capital City                                         Lilongwe
                              Regions                                                North, Central and South
                              Population                                          19,647,684 (projection for 1 July 2021)
                              Official Language                              English
                              Main languages                                  Chichewa, Yao, Tumbuka, Sena, Lomwe, Tonga, Ngonde, Lambya
       36                     Size                                                        118,484 square km
                              Climate                                                Sub-Tropical, relatively dry and strongly seasonal.
                                                                                             Warm wet season (November – April), Cool dry winter season
                                                                                             (May – August), Hot dry season (September – October)
                              Main Exports                 Tobacco, Tea, Sugar, Groundnuts, Soya beans and soya bean
                                                                                             extracts, Macadamia nuts, Cotton, Coffee, Maize and Dried
                              Main Imports                                     Refined Petroleum, Packaged Medicaments, Chemical Fertilizers,
                                                                                             and Office Machine Parts
                              Potential Exports                               Limestone, Uranium, Coal, Bauxite, Phosphates, Graphite,
                                                                                             Granite, Aquamarine, Gold, Tourmaline, Rubies, Sapphires,
                                                                                             Sugarcane, Potatoes, Cassava, Sorghum, Pulses, Industrial Hemp
                                                                                             and Cannabis.
                              Per Capita Income                            US$1,234 PPP (Purchasing Power Parity)
                              Currency                                             Malawi Kwacha (MWK)
                              National Public Holidays                1 January (New Year), 15 January (John Chilembwe Day), 3
                                                                                             March (Martyr’s Day), 2 April (Good Friday), 3 April (Holy
                                                                                             Saturday), 5 April (Easter Monday), 1  May (Labour Day), 13
                                                                                             May (Eid al-Fitr), 14 May (Kamuzu Day), 6 July (Independence
                                                                                             Day), 15 October (Mother’s  Day),  25 December (Christmas
                                                                                             Day), 26 December (Boxing Day)
                              Time Zone                                           GMT +2
                              Telephone Code                                 +265
                              Internet Domain (URL)                  .mw
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