Page 40 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 40

country  offers  several  investment  and  Aquaculture and Fisheries
                                partnership opportunities in many sectors as  The sector comprises of fisheries, aquaculture
                                follows,  and  enjoys  access  to  seaports  of  the  and aquarium sub-sectors and accounts for 1.2
                                region.                                 percent  of  the  GDP.  Lake  Malawi  contains
                                                                        more  species  of  fish  than  any  other  lake
                                Agriculture and Agro-processing
                                                                        globally, including more than 800 endemic
                                The  economy  is  agro-based  with  the  fish species, offering a variety of investment
                                agriculture sector contributing 23 percent to
                                                                        opportunities across the value chain. Malawi
                                the GDP. The sector is currently dominated by  intends  to  accelerate  commercialization  of
                                small-scale  producers  with  potential  to
                                                                        both the fisheries and the aquaculture sub-
                                improve  productivity  on  the  farms.  The  sector  through  construction  of  large
                                Government  is  committed  to  promote
                                                                        aquariums,  fish  landing  centres  and  value
                                commercial    agriculture  based   on   addition  sites  along  Lake  Malawi  through
                                competitiveness    and     value-chain
                                                                        Public Private Partnership investments.
                                development,  through  the  creation  of
                                conducive agricultural investment and trade  Mining
                                policies to provide security and direction in  Mining has vast potential for the development
                                the sector.
                                                                        of  the  economy  through  both  local  and
                                        Agriculture-related  investment  international  investments,  and  currently
                                opportunities obtain in large-scale farming;
                                                                        accounts for just one percent of GDP. Malawi
                                agro-processing;  agriculture  financing-  is endowed with an abundance of rare earth
                                services;  and  agriculture  infrastructural
                                                                        minerals, as well as bauxite, uranium, graphite,
                                development,  including  irrigation  and  vermiculite,  coal,  gemstones,  alluvial  gold,
                                technology advancement. Specific investment
                                                                        monazite, phosphate, pyrite, limestone, glass
                                opportunities  include  cold  room  and
                                                                        sands, dimension stone, and titanium- bearing
                                transportation  infrastructure;  processing  mineral  sands.  Gemstone  exports  are
       38                       factories for value addition to make puree,  dominated by aquamarine, amethyst, red and
                                spices, pastes and juices; storage, cleaning and
                                                                        rhodolite garnets, quartz and feldspar.
                                grading  facilities;  market  development  and
                                contract  farming.  The  Government  has  Energy
                                designated agriculture and agro-processing as
                                                                        Malawi  has  a  growing  demand  for  energy,
                                a priority industry which enjoys zero-rated
                                                                        following  increased  industrial  activities  and
                                corporate tax up to 10 years.
                                                                        population growth. This will be augmented to
                                                                        meet  demand  in  expanding  manufacturing,
                                                                        mining and agricultural activities in the medium
                                Malawi has a growing manufacturing sector,
                                                                        to long term. According to the Power Demand
                                mainly in food and beverages and chemical
                                                                        Forecast of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)
                                industries, accounting for 12 percent of the
                                                                        of  2017,  Malawi’s  demand  will  reach  2,500
                                GDP; and a growing and outward-oriented
                                                                        megawatts by 2035. Huge private investment is
                                manufacturing  sector  that  can  contribute
                                                                        required to meet the increasing energy demand.
                                significantly  to  job  creation  and  export
                                                                        Specific  investment  opportunities  exist  in
                                diversification.  Government  introduced
                                                                        hydropower  generation,  distribution  and
                                incentives for the sector, including loss carry-
                                                                        transmission, solar energy, wind energy, fuel
                                forward  for  six  years,  100  percent  capital
                                                                        storage and oil pipeline facilities and thermal
                                allowance  on  new  and  unused  plant  and
                                                                        power plants.
                                machinery and industrial building, and a 40
                                percent capital allowance on used plant and  Forestry
                                machinery and industrial building.
                                                                        Malawi is endowed with several magnificent
                                        Investment opportunities exist in textiles
                                                                        forest reserves filled with woodlands and an
                                and  garments  manufacturing;  farm  input
                                                                        outstanding variety of plants and indigenous
                                chemical  production;  bicycle  assembly;
                                                                        trees. These forests offer specific investment
                                supply  of  building  materials;  household
                                                                        opportunities in value addition by processing
                                electrical  fittings  such  as  cables,  plugs,
                                                                        timber  and  timber-based  products  such  as
                                switches; and engineering materials such as
                                                                        blackboards, chip boards and plywood. There
                                steel-based products.
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