Page 42 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 42

and swim in the crystal-clear waters. The  the year. However, the best time is the wet
                              lake has its own national park covering 94sq  season  from  November  to  April when
                              km in a stunningly beautiful location at the  migratory birds are present.
                              southern end of the lake near Cape Maclear.
                                         The park, which is a UNESCO World  • Nature/Landscapes
                              Heritage  Site,  was  created  to  protect  the  Malawi  has  a  diversity  of  beautiful
                              lake’s unique, endemic fish species, cichlids.  landscapes.  The  highest  peaks  in  Malawi
                              Lake  Malawi  National  Park  is  the  first  touch 3,000m while the lowest point on land
                              established freshwater, underwater park and  is just above sea level. This range of altitudes
                              the  diversity  of  the  native  fish  species  is  in a small area defines the varied landscapes
                              unparalleled.                        of Malawi which is a green and lush country,
                                         Nkhata,  the  capital  of  Nkhata  Bay  with plateaux, highlands, forests, mountains,
                              district in the northern region of Malawi is  plains,  escarpments  and  dramatic  river
                              a resort town and ferry port whose striking  valleys, as well as the many aspects of the
                              harbour  comprises  sheltered  bays  and  lake.
                              beaches with clear waters and colourful fish.  The variety of scenery is a major
                              The  ferry  port  is  a  departure  point  for  attraction  to  visitors  and  many  of  the
                              Chizumulu and Likoma islands which have  highland areas and forest reserves have good
                              secluded beaches and trails, as well as St  accommodation options, as well as plenty of
                              Peter’s Cathedral on Likoma island, dating  outdoor  activities  such  as  cycling  and
                              from 1911.                           mountain biking, nature trails and trekking,
                                                                   birding, tea tasting, climbing and abseiling
                              • Wildlife                           and  extreme  sporting  events  such  as  the
                              Malawi has 12 protected areas comprising of  Mount Mulanje Porter’s Race.
                              five national parks, four wildlife reserves and  In  a  forested  area  of  mountain
       40                     three sanctuaries. The country has successfully  slopes in the north of the country, near a
                                                                   national  park  and  wildlife  and  forest
                              positioned itself as Africa’s newest “Big Five”
                              destination where travellers can view game in  reserves,  and  an  agricultural  area  that
                              their natural habitat, in well-managed national  produces cash crops such as tea, rubber and
                              parks and wildlife reserves that are pristine and  coffee, the city of Mzuzu lies in a gap in the
                              not crowded.                         Viphya  Mountains.  The  forested  Viphya
                                       Innovative ideas in game management  Plateau is home to abundant birdlife and
                              have  transformed  Malawi’s  wildlife  and  nature  trails,  and  the  nearby  Viphya
                              wilderness  areas.  Successful  conservation  Plantation is the largest man-made forest in
                              initiatives have seen the re-introduction of  Africa. Mzuzu is the gateway to Nkhata Bay
                              iconic species such as the cheetah, lion and  resorts, and to Nyika National Park which
                              black rhino to the Liwonde National Park  has leopards, lions and elephants, as well as
                              and  Majete  Wildlife  Reserve.  In  2016,  the nearby floodplains and woodlands of
                              Malawi successfully undertook the historic  Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve with buffalo,
                              movement of 500 elephants from Liwonde  kudu and hippos in Lake Kazuni.
                              National Park and Majete Wildlife Reserve
                              to Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, making it  • Urban Areas, Universities and Media
                              one  of  Africa’s  successful  conservation  The main cities of Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu
                              destinations.                        and Zomba are home to public universities,
                                       Malawi is also a birder’s paradise. The  inspiring  lively  academic  and  youth
                              country is home to about 650 species with  communities and talent, as well as hosting
                                      about 10percent not seen in other  national or provincial offices of government
                                      parts of southern Africa. Of great  and  industry,  manufacturing  and  agro-
                                      interest  to  birders  are  the  high-  processing, and creative arts. Malawi has a
                                      mountain plateaus of Nyika and  growing  music  industry,  as  well  as  visual
                                      Viphya,  and  the  woodlands  of  arts.There are also colleges and polytechnics,
                                      Dzalanyama Forest. Bird watching  and  a  range  of  private  universities.  The
                                      in Malawi is excellent throughout  communications media is lively with public
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