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The decision of the 34 SADC Summit in 2014 to
                                                         place industrial development at the core of the developmental
                                                         integration agenda of SADC was in realisation of the fact
                                                         that industrial development is central to diversification of
                                                         economies in the region as well as the creation of employment
                                                         to reduce poverty. The overall goal of this intervention area
                                                         is to facilitate diversified industrial development, trade and fi-
                                                         nancial liberalisation and integration, macroeconomic stabil-
                                                         ity and convergence, as well as increased investment for
                                                         deeper regional integration and poverty eradication.
                                                             The drive towards industrialisation has been a top pri-
                                                         ority for SADC in recent years because most countries in
                                                         the region get very little from their vast natural resources
                                                         such as gold and diamonds since most of the value-addition
                                                         and beneficiation takes place outside the region, and bene-
                                                         fits others. In this regard, the consensus within SADC is
                                                         that before the region can liberalise trade, SADC should
                                                         first have something to trade, hence the need to focus on
                                                         value addition and beneficiation.

                                                                  Industrial Development
                                                                  Major achievements are the adoption of the
                                                                  Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap, the
                                                         Costed Action Plan, and other milestones shown below.

                                Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap
                                SADC Member States acknowledged that industrial development is central to diversification
                                of their economies; development of productive capacity; and the creation of employment
                                in order to reduce poverty and set their economies on a more sustainable growth path.
                                     The SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063 approved in 2015,
                                was developed as an inclusive long-term modernisation and economic transformation
                                scheme that enables substantive and sustained raising of living standards. The strategy is
                                anchored in three independent and mutually supportive strategic pillars wherein “Indus-
                                trialisation” is emphasised as a champion of economic transformation, enhancing com-
                                petitiveness, and deeper regional integration.
                                     The timeframe of 2015 to 2063 is a deliberate policy decision to align it with the
                                African Union Agenda 2063. Phase I aligns with the RISDP 2015-2020 and constitutes
                                a period of active frontloading of the Industrial Development and Market Integration
                                component of the RISDP and related infrastructure and services support to industrial-
                                isation. Through the Protocol on Industry, and the Strategy and Roadmap, SADC seeks
                                to intensify structural change and hasten the industrial transition of SADC Member
                                States to the levels of developed industrialised countries.

                                Costed Action Plan for Industrialisation
                                To ensure an efficient implementation of the Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap,
                                SADC adopted a Costed Action Plan. This seeks to establish a coherent and synergistic
                                implementation scheme containing strategic options and general policies towards the pro-
                                gressive achievement of the time-bound targets set out in the strategy and roadmap. The
                                plan focuses on the first 15 years of the strategy and roadmap, and aims to create an en-
                                abling environment for sustaining industrial development as a driver of economic trans-
                                formation; and establish an enduring alliance for industrialisation consisting of the public
                                and private sectors as well as strategic partners.
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