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The development of the RISDP was critical considering that previously most re-
                                gional policies, strategies and programmes of SADC had been designed independently by
                                individual Sector Coordinating Units in individual Member States. For that reason, the
                                various policies, strategies and programmes were not properly coordinated, leading to weak
                                inter-sectoral linkages. The RISDP identifies and strengthens these linkages, programmes
                                and policies of the various sectors with a view to improving efficiency and delivery of the
                                SADC Programme of Action.
                                           The RISDP and SIPO are indicative in nature and outline the necessary conditions
                                that should be realised towards the attainment of SADC's regional integration and devel-
                                opment goals. The development of both plans was therefore intended to realign SADC
                                priorities and to refocus regional policies and strategies to the needs and realities of an
                                ever-changing world, as well as to ensure that SADC is effectively able to harness its po-
                                tential to promote sustainable development in the region.
                                           In formulating the RISDP and SIPO, and setting out the region’s agenda and tar-
                                gets, SADC took into consideration various regional, continental and international strat-
                                egies such as the Constitutive Act of the African Union, the Treaty establishing the African
                                Economic Community, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), and the
                                Millennium Development Goals (now Sustainable Development Goals).

                                4.2   RISDP Objectives and Priorities by Pillar and Sector
                                The RISDP is a comprehensive development and implementation framework guiding the
        98                      regional integration agenda of SADC. It is designed to provide clear strategic direction
                                with respect to SADC programmes, projects and activities in line with the SADC Common
                                Agenda and strategic priorities, as enshrined in the SADC Treaty of 1992.The original
                                plan was approved by the SADC Summit in 2003 for a 15-year period and was imple-
                                mented from 2005, thus the implementation timeframe was 2005-2020.
                                                                                   Through  specific  prio-
                                                                                rities, programmes and tar-
                         Figure 4.1      Revised RISDP 2015­2020
                                                                                gets,  the  RISDP  allows  all
                                                                                parties  involved  to  track
                                      Industrial Development and Market Integration
                                                                                progress  and  obtain  gui-
                                                                                   After  a  review  in  2012,
                                                                                the  RISDP  was  revised  to
                         in Support                                 Peace and   frontload industrialisation to
                         of Regional                                Security    fast-track the socio-economic
                         Integration                                Cooperation  goals of the region. For the
                                                                                implementation of the next
                                                                                phase,  the  RISDP  was  re-
                                                                                vised  to  align  the  existing
                                                                                priorities  with  available  re-
                                                                                sources. The main tenet of
                                                                                the  Revised  RISDP  2015-
                                                                                2020 was to promote regional
                                                                                value  chains  and  increase
                                                                                value  addition  in  selected
                                                                                priority  sectors,  including
                                                                                agro-processing,   mineral
                                                                                beneficiation  and  phar-
                                                                                maceuticals  in  the  short  to
                                                                                medium term.
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