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P. 119

African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) agreed in 1980 to strengthen
                  the transport, communication and energy systems in the region in order to reduce depend-
                  ence “particularly but not only” on then apartheid South Africa. They noted that “without
                  establishment of an adequate regional transport and communication system, other areas
                  of cooperation become impractical.” In this regard, infrastructure development has been
                  a priority for SADC as it supports all sectors of development.
                             During the period 1980 to 2005, infrastructure development was guided by the Lu-
                  saka Programme of Action approved at the inaugural meeting of SADCC in April 1980.
                  Noting the importance of infrastructure to the regional integration agenda, SADC leaders
                  convened a special session on infrastructure development during the 27th SADC Summit
                  in Lusaka, Zambia in 2007. This gave impetus to the process that culminated in the ap-
                  proval of a regional infrastructure master plan by the 32nd SADC Summit in 2012.

                  Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan
                  The SADC Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP) covers the period
                  2012-2027 and prioritises development of infrastructure in six sectors – Transport, Tour-
                  ism, Water, Energy, Information and Communication Technologies, and Meteorology. Im-
                  plementation of the RIDMP is being done in three phases, covering the Short Term Action
                  Plan (STAP) 2012-2017, the Medium Term Action Plan that runs up to 2022, and the
                  Long Term Action Plan to be implemented up to 2027. However, the findings of a study
                  commissioned by the SADC Secretariat in 2019 show that the implementation of most
                  STAP projects is behind schedule.
                             Centres of Excellence have been developed to promote investments in modern re-   109
                  gional infrastructure. Centres already established are in renewable energy and energy ef-
                  ficiency; groundwater management; and climate services. Steps are in progress towards
                  the establishment of a Centre of Excellence for the Aviation sub-sector.
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