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Figure 4.2  Commissioned Power Pool Generation 2004­2018

                                Source   SAPP

              Transmission Projects to Interconnect      Table 4.3   Power Transmission
                                                                     SAPP has embarked on facilitating the con-
              Non­Operating SAPP Members                             struction of new transmission projects aimed
                                                                     at  ensuring  that  the  three  remaining
                Project name                                                         Countries involved  members (Angola, Malawi and Tanzania) are
                Zambia­Tanzania­Kenya Interconnector      Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya  interconnected to the regional grid by 2024.
                Mozambique­Malawi Interconnector           Malawi and Mozambique  The SAPP generation and transmission plan
       112      Angola­Namibia Interconnector                     Angola and Namibia  adopted by Energy Ministers in 2018 seeks to
                DRC­Angola Interconnector                             Angola and DRC  implement various regional transmission pro-
                Mozambique­Tanzania Interconnector        Mozambique and Tanzania
                Malawi­Tanzania Interconnector                    Malawi and Tanzania  jects that are at various stages. The island
                                                                     states of Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius
                                                                     and Seychelles are not members of SAPP.
                                                                     SADC’s achievements in the energy sector
       Interconnector Projects to Relieve                Table 4.4   are shared with stakeholders through The
       Transmission Congestion                                       SADC Energy Monitor produced in 2016 and
                                                                                                2018 in print and online, as well as a SADC
         Project name                                                        Countries involved  Energy Investment Yearbook.
         ZIZABONA Transmission Project                    Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia
         Central Transmission Corridor                         Zimbabwe
         (Alaska­ Sherwood)                                                  ICT Sector
         Mozambique Backbone                                    Mozambique
         Mozambique­Zimbabwe­South Africa         Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe  In line with the ICT Sector Plan
         Transmission                                                        of the RIDMP, SADC Member
                                                                     States are engaged in improving the en-
                                                                     abling policy and regulatory environment
                                                                     to encourage private sector investment in
                  Projects to Move Power from New        Table 4.5   the  development  of  ICT  infrastructure.
                  Generating Stations to Load Centres                The total estimated cost of providing an
                                                                     ICT infrastructure and the implementation
                   Project name                                                     Countries involved  of other identified projects is estimated at
                   Grand Inga Transmission                               DRC  US$21.4 billion. Some of the major achiev-
                   Mozambique­Malawi Transmission           Malawi, Mozambique  ements  in  the  ICT  sector  are  shown
                   Botswana­South Africa Transmission        Botswana, South Africa  in Table 4.6.
                   Botswana­Namibia Transmission                Botswana, Namibia  Another major achievement in the
                   South Africa­Namibia Transmission           Namibia, South Africa  ICT sector is the successful interconnection
                   Mozambique­Zambia Transmission           Mozambique and Zambia
                   Kolwezi­Solwezi Transmission                     DRC, Zambia  of  all  SADC  Member  States  through
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