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Transboundary River Basins and River Basin Organisations in SADC  Table 4.7
                                Watercourse     Countries                     Shared   water   institution/River
                                                                              Basin Organization
                                Buzi            Mozambique, Zimbabwe
                                Congo           DRC, Cameroon, Central African Republic  International Commission of the
                                                                              Congo­ Oubangui­Sangha Basin

                                Cuvelai         Angola, Namibia               Cuvelai Watercourse Commission
                                Incomati        Eswatini, Mozambique, South Africa
                                Kunene          Angola, Namibia
                                Limpopo         Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa,  Limpopo Watercourse Commission

                                Cubango­Okavango  Angola,   Botswana,   Namibia, Zimbabwe  Permanent  Okavango  River  Basin
                                                                              Water Commission
                                Orange­Senqu    Botswana,   Lesotho,   Namibia, South  Orange­Senqu River
                                                Africa                        Commission
                                Pungwe          Mozambique, Zimbabwe

       116                      Ruvuma          Mozambique, Tanzania
                                Save/Sabi       Mozambique, Zimbabwe
                                Umbeluzi        Eswatini, Mozambique, South Africa
                                Zambezi         Angola, Botswana, Malawi,     Zambezi Watercourse Commission
                                                Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania,
                                                Zambia, Zimbabwe
                               Source  SADCSecretariat

                                Top Position in Water Cooperation
                                SADC was ranked in the top position in 2015 in a global comparison of indicators of
                                water cooperation prepared by an international think-tank, the Strategic Foresight Group
                                (SFG). According to SFG’s Water Cooperation Quotient Index 2015, SADC scored 100
                                in the Water Cooperation Quotient, which is a tool with a set of ten indicators created to
                                measure the intensity of cooperation in the management of shared water resources in
                                shared river basins globally. The 10 indicators included legal, political, technical, environ-
                                mental, economic and institutional aspects.

                                Groundwater Development and Management
                                The SADC Groundwater Management Institute (GMI) was established in June 2011 as a
                                non-profit organisation under the South African Companies Act. The SADC GMI is
                                hosted by the University of Free State within the Institute for Groundwater Studies (IGS).
                                      The SADC GMI is now fully functional and the Subsidiarity Status with the SADC
                                Secretariat was duly approved by Council at its last meeting in August 2018 in Windhoek,
                                Namibia. This was after the Secretariat developed and submitted a Financial Sustainability
                                Strategy and Plan which indicated that the SADC GMI will be sustained beyond the cur-
                                rent Project financing.
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