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5.3.1  SIPO
                                The first strategic plan was SIPO, signed in 2004 to operationalize the objectives of the
                                Protocol and guide cooperation in the areas of politics, defence and security in the region.
                                Since then there has been more concerted action within the various sectors, and meetings
                                between senior officials and leaders increased. The mutual knowledge derived from greater
                                familiarisation with the operations of the institutions of each Member State as a result of
                                this interaction has led to an ever-increasing relationship of trust, and a SADC Mutual
                                Defence Pact signed in 2003 entered into force on 17 August 2008.

                                5.3.2  SIPO II
                                The second operational plan for SADC cooperation in regional peace and security was the
                                Revised Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ (SIPO II). SIPO was developed in 2003
                                and revised in 2012 as SIPO II to address some of the new challenges facing the region in-
                                cluding piracy, climate change, human trafficking and illegal immigration.  The core ob-
                                jective was to create a peaceful and stable political and security environment through which
                                the region will realise its objectives of socio-economic development, poverty eradication,
                                and regional integration. The SIPO was an enabling instrument for the implementation of
                                the Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security as well as the Revised Regional Indicative
                                Strategic Development Plan (RISDP 2015-2020) and the SADC Industrialisation Strategy
                                and Roadmap (2015-2063). The main targets set out by the SIPO II were to:
                                ❖ Prevent, contain and resolve inter- and intra-state conflict by peaceful means;
                                ❖ Promote  the  development  of  democratic  institutions  and  practices  by  state  parties
       136                         and encourage the observance of universal human rights; and
                                ❖ Develop peacekeeping and coordination capacities of Member States for effective par-
                                   ticipation in regional and international peace support operations.

        Status of Ratification of and Accession to Legal Instruments relevant to               Table 5.1
        SIPO as of 17 August 2020

      Title                                             Date Tabled for Signature  Date of Entry into Force

      Protocol on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking      24 August 1996           20 March 1999
      Protocol on Legal Affairs  2000                    7 August 2000            9 January 2006
      SADC Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation  14 August 2001  2 March 2004
      SADC Protocol on the Control of Firearms, Ammunition and Other  14 August 2001  8 November 2004
      Related Materials in SADC
      Protocol Against Corruption                       14 August 2001           6 July 2005
      Protocol on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters  3 October 2002    17 July 2009
      Protocol on Extradition                           3 October 2002           9 January 2006
      SADC Mutual Defence Pact                          26 August 2003           17 August 2008
      Protocol on Facilitation of the Movement of Persons 2005  18 August 2005   Not yet in force
      MOU Among SADC MS on the Establishment of a       17 August 2007           17 August 2007
      SADC Standby Brigade
      Agreement Amending Article 1, 5, 7 & 19 of the Protocol on Politics,  9 August 2009  9 August 2009
      Defence and Security Cooperation
      Agreement Amending the Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security  18 August 2015  18 August 2015
      Cooperation 2015
      SADC Regional Counter Terrorism Strategy          18 August 2015           18 August 2015
      Protocol on Inter­State Transfer of Sentenced Offenders  18 August 2019     Not yet in force
      Agreement between the Governments of SADC MS regarding the                 17 August 2020
      Status of SADC Standby Force                      17 August 2020
      Agreement Amending the SADC Protocol on Control of Firearms,  17 August 2020  17 August 2020
      Ammunition and  Related Materials
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