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                  The SADC Secretariat would like to thank the SADC Chairperson, President Filipe Jacinto
                  Nyusi of the Republic of Mozambique and the outgoing Chairperson, President Dr. John
                  Pombe Joseph Magufuli of the United Republic of Tanzania for their guidance and support
                  during the development and production of this book on 40 Years of  SADC: Enhancing Regional
                  Cooperation and Integration. We truly valued your support during the compilation of this book.
                             The development of the publication was made possible through the collaborative
                  efforts of the SADC Secretariat and the Southern African Research and Documentation
                  Centre (SARDC). The SADC Secretariat would like to thank the SARDC research and
                  publishing teams who worked tirelessly to compile, analyse, check and edit the content,
                  and produce the print and online versions of 40 Years of  SADC: Enhancing Regional Cooperation
                  and Integration in three official SADC languages.
                             We express our gratitude for the financial support received from the European
                  Union Commission and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and De-
                  velopment (BMZ) through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
                  (GIZ) which facilitated the research and development of the contents of this publication.
                             Last but not least, the contribution and pivotal role of all institutions and individuals
                  who supported the preparation of this publication is gratefully acknowledged.  We say
                  thank you for your valued support.

                  SADC Secretariat
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