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                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments          1992

                     Instrument         Objective                                     Date of   Date of entry
                                                                                      signature  into force
                     Declaration and Treaty of  The Declaration and Treaty presents the objectives for establishing  17.08.92  30.09.93
                     the Southern African  SADC and provides for the formulation of Protocols on specific areas
                     Development Community  of integration to set out the principles and objectives of integration,
                                        and determine the rules under which Member States conduct their
                                        relations in specific areas

                     Protocol to the Treaty  Ensures that SADC, its institutions and staff enjoy immunities and  17.08.92  30.09.93
                     Establishing the Southern  privileges necessary for the proper performance of their functions
                     African Development
                     Community on Immunities
                     and Privileges

                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments          1995

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Protocol  on   Shared  Strengthens cooperation in the optimal utilisation and conservation  28.08.95  28.09.98
                     Watercourse Systems  of shared watercourse systems in the SADC region

                     Inter-Governmental  Creates a common pool for electricity in the SADC region and a  28.08.95  29.06.98
                     Memorandum of     platform for regional trade and cooperation to optimise the use of
                     Understanding for the  available energy resources in the region. Approved by Summit and
                     Southern African Power  signed by SADC Energy Ministers 1995.

                                                                                     SADC Legal Instruments          1996

                     Instrument        Objective                                     Date of    Date of entry
                                                                                     signature  into force
                     Protocol on Energy  Promote the harmonious development of national energy policies  24.08.96  17.04.98
                                       and matters of common interest for the balanced and equitable
                                       development of energy throughout the SADC region

                     Protocol on Transport,  Establish transport, communications and meteorology systems  24.08.96  06.07.98
                     Communication and  which provide efficient, cost-effective and fully integrated
                     Meteorology       infrastructure and operations which best meet the needs of
                                       customers and promote economic and social development while
                                       being environmentally and economically sustainable
                     Protocol on Combatting  Reduce and eventually eliminate the manufacture, trafficking and  24.08.96  20.03.99
                     Illicit Drug Trafficking  abuse of illicit drugs as well as money laundering and corruption
                                       through cooperation among enforcement agents in the region
                     Protocol on Trade  Liberalise intra-regional trade in goods and services on the basis of  24.08.96  01.09.00
                                       fair, mutually equitable and beneficial trade arrangements,
                                       complemented by Protocols in other areas; to ensure efficient
                                       production within SADC reflecting the current and dynamic
                                       comparative advantages of Member States; to contribute towards
                                       the improvement of the climate for domestic, cross-border and
                                       foreign investment; and to strengthen the economic development,
                                       diversification and industrialisation of the region
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