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                              African Union 2014. Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want. African Union Commission, Addis Ababa.
                              SADC 1980-2020. SADC Summit Communiqués, Annual Reports and Sectoral Reports, Protocols
                              and other Legal Agreements. SADC, Gaborone
                              SADC 1992. SADC Treaty and Declaration. SADC. Gaborone
                              SADC 2003, 2015. Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan, and Revised RISDP 2015-2020. SADC
                              SADC 2003, 2012. Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, and SIPO
                              II. SADC, Gaborone
                              SADC 2010. Desk Assessment Review of  the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan. SADC, Gaborone
                              SADC 2012. Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan. SADC, Gaborone
                              SADC 2013-2020. Presentations made during Meetings of the SADC Energy Thematic Group.
                              SADC 2014-2020. Annual SADC Summit Publications. SADC, Gaborone and SARDC, Harare
                              SADC 2014. SADC Hashim Mbita Project on Southern African Liberation Struggles. SADC, and Mkuki na Nyota
                              SADC 2015. SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap. SADC, Gaborone
                              SADC 2015, 2017. SADC Success Stories, Volume 1 and 2. SADC, Gaborone

                              SADC 2017. Ministerial Retreat on “The SADC We Want” in Eswatini, March 2017. SADC Gaborone
       148                    SADC 2019. Status of  Integration in the SADC Region. SADC, Gaborone
                              SADC 2020. Vision 2050 and RISDP 2020-2030. SADC, Gaborone
                              SADC, SARDC 1997-2020. SADC Today/ Southern Africa Today periodical, Vol 1 No 1 – Vol   22 No 6.
                              SADC, SARDC 1994, 2008. State of  the Environment in Southern Africa; Southern Africa Environment Outlook; and
                              related thematic updates. SADC, SARDC, IUCN, UNEP
                              SADC, SARDC 2002. Defining and Mainstreaming Environmental Sustainability in Water Resources Management
                              in Southern Africa. SADC, SARDC, IUCN, World Bank, Sida
                              SADC, SARDC 1999, 2001, 2006. SADC Gender Monitor: Monitoring Implementation of  the Beijing
                              Commitments by SADC Member States.

                              SADC, SARDC 2009, 2013, 2016, 2018. SADC Gender and Development Monitor: Tracking Implementation of
                              the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.
                              SADC, SARDC 2007. 2019. Action on Infrastructure/ SADC Regional Infrastructure  Development:  Short  Term
                              Action  Plan Assessment.
                              SADC, SARDC 2016, 2018. SADC Energy Monitor.
                              SADC PF and SARDC 2003. A Guide to Gender Dimensions in SADC Constitutions.
                              SAPP 1995. SAPP Inter-Governmental Memorandum of  Understanding. Southern African Power Pool, Harare
                              SARDC 1986, 1989. Destructive Engagement: Southern Africa at War/ Frontline Southern Africa: Destructive
                              Engagement. SARDC, Harare

                              SARDC 1995. South Africa Imposes Sanctions on its Neighbours. SARDC, Harare, Maputo
                              SARDC 1992-2020. Southern African News Features. SANF Service. SARDC, Harare, Maputo
                              UN Inter-Agency Task Force, UNECA 1989. South African Destabilization: The Economic Cost of    Frontline
                              Resistance to Apartheid. UN Economic Commission for Africa, SARDC
                              UN 2015. Sustainable Development Goals. United Nations, New York
                              SADC publications are accessible at SADC website
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