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✒ SADC Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security
                  The SADC Standby Force operates as a tool of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security
                  Cooperation which is operationalised by the SADC Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security
                  signed in 2001. The protocol was ratified and entered into force on 2 March 2004, providing an
                  institutional framework through which Member States coordinate policies and activities in this area.

                       ✒ Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre
                       The SADC Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre (RPTC) was established in 2003 to provide
                       training for peace support missions in the region and for joint operations with other parts of
                       Africa. The RPTC plays a key role in the implementation of the SADC Standby Force by providing
                       peacekeeping training for military, police and civilian components, and has participated in the
                       preparation and running of all major peacekeeping exercises conducted in the region. The
                       RPTC also conducts capacity-building courses for regional and national mediation to strengthen
                       domestic mediation capacities in SADC Member States.

                  ✒ Strategic Planning
                  The Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation (SIPO)
                  was developed to operationalise the Protocol, based on the objectives and common agenda of
                  SADC. The first strategic plan, SIPO I, was signed in 2004 resulting in more concerted action within
                  the various sectors and officials. The mutual knowledge derived from greater familiarisation with
                  the operations of the institutions of each Member State as a result of this interaction has led to an
                  ever-increasing relationship of trust. SIPO is now included in the regional strategic plan, the RISDP
                  2020-2030 as an integral part of regional planning.
                       ✒ Mutual Defence
                       A Mutual Defence Pact was signed in 2003 and entered into force on 17 August 2008.

                  ✒ Policing
                  Policing  the  borders  in  the  SADC  region  is  an  important  element  in  peace  and  security,  in
                  coordination  with  the  Southern  African  Regional  Police  Chiefs  Cooperation  Organisation
                  (SARPCCO), for the prevention of crimes such as vehicle theft, illegal arms, and Trafficking in Persons.

                       ✒ Women, Peace and Security
                       SADC has developed a regional framework that serves as a guide for mainstreaming gender
                       into the regional peace and security systems and processes. The SADC Regional Strategy on
                       Women, Peace and Security (2018-2022) aims to address challenges experienced by women
                       and children by ensuring full participation and access to their skills in peace and security
                       activities,  programmes  and  projects.  The  strategy  is  a  key  policy  tool  to  support  the
                       implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 in the region.
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