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Milestones/Achievements at a Glance _______


                  ✒ Adoption of 33 Protocols to guide Regional Integration
                  Following the signing of the SADC Declaration and Treaty in 1992, the region has shown
                  commitment to deeper integration through the signature of 33 protocols as well as systematic
                  strategic  plans  including  the  Regional  Indicative  Strategic  Development  Plan;  Strategic
                  Indicative  Plan  for  the  Organ  on  Politics,  Defence  and  Security  Cooperation;  SADC
                  Industrialisation  Strategy  and  Roadmap  (2015-2063);  and  SADC  Regional  Infrastructure
                  Development Master Plan. These have laid a strong legal, institutional and strategic foundation
                  for advancing regional cooperation.

                       ✒ Prioritising Industrialisation in Regional Development and Integration
                       The decision to frontload industrialisation was taken in 2015 after reviewing previous efforts to
                       increase intra-regional trade which were hampered by the little capacity in Member States to
                       produce goods for competitive trade within and outside the region. This led to the adoption of
                       the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063. The Strategy recognises the private
                       sector as a major player in SADC industrialisation and regional integration.

                  ✒ Launch of SADC Free Trade Area
                  The historic launch of the SADC Free Trade Area in 2008 brought a phased programme of tariff
                  reductions and resulted in more than 85 percent of intra-regional trade among Member States
                  attaining zero duty status. This has been complemented by efforts to open borders to citizens of
                  fellow Member States in the spirit of promoting the free movement of goods and services, and  3
                  facilitation of movement of persons within the region.

                       ✒ A Simplified Trade Regime Framework
                       The adoption of the Simplified Trade Regime Framework in 2019 has contributed to
                       trade facilitation.
                  ✒ Toward Financial Inclusion
                  The approval of the Implementation Plan for the SADC Financial Inclusion Strategy and Small-to-
                  Medium Enterprises (SME) Access to Finance in 2018 has expanded financial inclusion in the
                  region. Ten Member States have developed strategies or a national roadmap on financial
                  inclusion aimed at empowering SMEs, youth and women to participate in economic activity, and
                  there has been an improvement in financial inclusion among adults in the region, to 68 percent.

                       ✒ SADC Real Time Gross Settlement System
                       The  SADC  Real  Time  Gross  Settlement  System  (RTGS)  multi-currency  platform  went  live  in
                       October 2018 to facilitate faster and more efficient payment transactions in the region. All
                       Member States except Comoros are participating in the SADC-RTGS and a total of 85 banks
                       (central banks and commercial banks) are also participating in the system. The SADC-RTGS has
                       enabled Member States to settle payments among themselves in real-time, when previously it
                       took several days to process cross-border transactions.

                  ✒ Project Preparation and Development Facility
                  The establishment of the SADC Project Preparation and Development Facility (PPDF) became a
                  reality in August 2008 following the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between the SADC
                  Secretariat and the Development Bank of Southern Africa. The SADC PPDF has supported nine
                  projects to date, of which two are in the transport sector and seven in the energy sector.

                       ✒ SADC Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan
                       The RIDMP was approved in 2012 and was informed by the understanding that infrastructure
                       development and maintenance is a priority for accelerating regional economic integration and
                       development. This includes the concept of One Stop Border Posts as a key element of the
                       transport and logistics infrastructure to reduce transaction costs for crossing borders.
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