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                  Chapter 2 provides an overview of the tra-
                  jectory  of  key  decisions  and  broad  mile-
                  stones achieved annually by SADC over the
                  past 40 years with respect to institutional ar-
                  rangements, legal instruments and strategic
                  plans used in emerging from apartheid to
                  build  a  Regional  Economic  Community
                  (REC). Part 2.1 focuses on milestones in the
                  formative  years  of  SADCC  (1980-1992).
                  Part  2.2  addresses  the  transformation  to
                  SADC following the Windhoek Declaration
                  (1992-2020). The sector-specific milestones
                  and impacts are covered in Chapter 4.

                  2.1    THE FORMATIVE YEARS                                                                  27
                  2.1.1  Major Milestones 1980-1992

                  Lusaka Declaration ­ Southern Africa: Toward Economic Liberation          1980-81
                  The nine leaders who met at the Lusaka Summit in April 1980 made a joint declaration
                  of their strategy for a closer integration of their economies. The Declaration, titled Southern
                  Africa: Toward Economic Liberation was a commitment to integrate their economies and grad-
                  ually reduce dependence, particularly, but not only, on the then apartheid South Africa.
                  Accelerated economic development and regional self-reliance were the twin objectives of
                  the Declaration, which also contained an appeal for external cooperation and international

                  Lusaka Programme of Action
                  During the inaugural Summit, the Heads of State and Government approved what became
                  known as the Lusaka Programme of Action, which contained the following targets:
                  ● Transport  Create a Southern African Transport and Communications Commission
                     based in Maputo to coordinate the use of existing transport and communication sys-
                     tems, and the planning and financing of additional regional facilities;
                  ● Livestock  Coordinate the control and elimination of foot-and-mouth disease
                     throughout the region, and the development of the existing facilities in Botswana for
                     production of vaccines to serve all of the majority-ruled countries in Southern Africa;
                  ● Food Security Prepare a food security plan for the region;
                  ● Agricultural Research Establish a regional agricultural research centre specialising
                     in drought-prone areas, and propose that the International Centre for Research on
                     Agriculture in the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRASAT) should set up a Southern Africa Re-
                     gional Centre in Botswana;
                  ● Industrialisation and Energy Align and harmonise the  industrialisation and
                     energy policies;
                  ● Training  Share national training facilities within the region; and,
                  ● Development Fund  Conduct studies leading to the establishment of a Southern
                     African Development Fund.
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