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1986-87      Seretse Khama SADCC Medal

                                The first recipient of the Seretse Khama SADCC Medal, presented at the August 1986 Sum-
                                    mit in Angola, was H.E. Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the former President of
                                    the United Republic of Tanzania. Other later recipients of the medal were H.E. President
                                    Samora Machel of Mozambique (posthumously in 1987); H.E. President Dr. Agostinho
                                    Neto of Angola (posthumously in 1995); H.E. President Sir Quett Ketumile Joni Masire
                                    of Botswana (1998); H.E.President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of South Africa (2000);
                                    and in 2010, H.E. President Dr Kenneth David Kaunda of Zambia; H.E. President
                                    Dr Samuel Shafiishuna Nujoma of Namibia; and Brigadier-General (rtd) Hashim
                                    Mbita of Tanzania who was Executive Secretary of the OAU Liberation Committee
                                    from 1972-1994.

                                                Regional approach to Agricultural Production and Food Security
                                                Agricultural production has improved in some Member States following
                                                the drought but some still face food insecurity due to lingering pockets
                                                of drought and South African destabilisation. Summit emphasised the
                                                need for a regional approach to agricultural production and food secur-
                                                ity, and urged Ministers responsible for Agriculture to redouble efforts.

                                Intra­SADCC Trade Promotion
                                An Intra-SADC Trade Promotion programme was approved as an integral part of the ex-
                                pansion of production by Member States on the basis of complimentarity, comparative ad-
        30                      vantage and the equitable distribution of benefits. This includes consideration of a Regional
                                Export Credit Facility and National Export Refinancing Revolving Funds in those Member
                                States where needed.

                                Industry and Trade Sector created
                                Industry was added to the Sector Coordinating Unit for Trade and a new sector of Industry
                                and Trade was created in the Programme of Action, coordinated by the United Republic of

                                Regional Cooperation under the Lomé Convention
                                An MOU on the programming of regional cooperation funds under the Third Lomé Con-
                                vention was signed in January 1986, providing for joint programming of regional resources
                                in the concentration sectors of food security and transport/communications, with man-
                                power development as a support sector.
                  1987-88       SADCC Programme of Action
                                The SADCC Programme of Action, spanning 12 economic sectors, has a resource require-
                                ment of US$2.5 billion for implementation, and this has been secured from local resources
                                and from the international community, or is under negotiation. However, the Summit in Zam-
                                bia in July 1987 said implementation is hampered by external factors and concerted action is
                                needed from the international community to stop South African aggression, towards the dis-
                                mantling of apartheid and independence for Namibia, noting acts of aggression and mass
                                murder by proxies, and a new pattern of assassinations and abductions of innocent civilians
                                by South African agents. Summit noted the futility of investing in infrastructure that is then
                                sabotaged by South Africa. Summit also called on the creditor countries and institutions to
                                take appropriate measures to lighten the crippling debt burden that is impacting on national
                                economies and implementation of the regional programme.

                                Regional Food Reserve
                                A Regional Food Reserve is proposed to provide a mechanism for meeting the crises of
                                drought and food insecurity, preferably through local production.
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