Page 42 - sadc40en
P. 42

Action on Industrialisation Strategy and Food Reserve
                                The Summit noted progress in implementing the SADCC Programme of Action and adopting
                                an industrialisation strategy that provides for the full involvement of the enterprise sector; as
                                well as restructuring the Food Reserve Project to reinforce national efforts to increase produc-
                                tion, establish appropriate storage mechanisms, and promote intra-regional trade in foodstuffs.
                                Actions Toward Peace
                                The 1989 Summit welcomed initiatives by the governments of Angola and Mozambique to
                                bring peace to their countries, to rehabilitate their economies and to resettle displaced people,
                                urging the international community to assist. The implementation of UN Security Council
                                Resolution 435 on independence for Namibia was welcomed, but the Summit called on the
                                UN Security Council and the international community to ensure that the right of Namibians
                                to self-determination is not undermined. The continuing oppression and exploitation of the
                                black majority of South Africans was strongly condemned, and the South African government
                                was urged to release the authentic political leaders and negotiate a genuine end to apartheid.
                                The Summit called on the international community to increase pressure on South Africa, and
                                also encouraged the initiatives by various groups of the white population to engage in consul-
                                tations with the liberation movement.
                    1990-91     Namibia 10th Member State

                                Namibia became the 10th member of SADCC fol-
                                lowing independence in March 1990, after more
        32                      than 70 years of South African occupation. This was
                                the culmination of a protracted war by the Nami-
                                bian people and an international campaign of re-
                                lentless pressure from SADCC, the OAU and the
                                United Nations. The Founding President DrSamuel
                                Shafiishuna Nujoma signed the instrument of acces-
                                sion on behalf of the Republic of Namibia on 24
                                August just prior to the 10th SADCC Summit hosted
                                by Botswana on 26 August 1990.

                                              SADC 10th Anniversary
                                              SADCC celebrated its 10th anniversary at the time of the 10th SADCC
                                              Summit, with various activities including the official opening of SADCC
                                              House as the first headquarters of the Secretariat, by the SADCC Chair-
                                              person, President Sir Quett Ketumile Joni Masire of Botswana. President
                                                                        Masire said the building was a sign of ap-
                                                                        preciation of the decision by SADCC
                                                                        Founders to choose Botswana as the host
                                                                        of the Secretariat.  The Summit on 26
                                                                        August 1990 took place at a time of rapid
                                                                        change in the region after Nelson Man-
                                                                        dela had been released from prison in
                                                                        South Africa on 11 February and Nami-
                                                                        bia gained independence on 21 March.
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