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                                The Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF) is a process that was
                                started in 1997 so that all partners in the climate forecast community can collaborate on
                                the development of a consensus regional forecast, which is provided free of charge. Updates
                                to the forecast are conducted periodically throughout the rainfall season.
                    1997-98     The 17 SADC Summit was held in Blantyre, Malawi on 8 September 1997, hosted by
                                President Dr Bakili Muluzi, and chaired by President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of South
                                SADC Declaration on Gender and Development
                                The 17 SADC Summit made a landmark Declaration on Gender and Development that
                                accepts gender equality as a fundamental human right and demands equal representation
                                of women and men in decision-making structures at all levels as well as women’s full access
                                to, and control of productive resources such as land, livestock, credit, modern
                                technology and formal employment. The Secretary-General of the Fourth
                                World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in 1995, Gertrude
                                Mongella from the United Republic of Tanzania, was a special guest at this
                                Summit.  She  told  SADC  leaders  that  the  Declaration  reflected  their
                                willingness to adapt with the times, and she expressed hope that the new
                                institutional framework, including a Gender Unit at the SADC Secretariat
                                would be placed at a senior level in decision-making structures and allocated
                                sufficient resources.
                                SADC Parliamentary Forum
                                The 17 SADC Summit welcomed the initiative for the SADC Parliamentary
                                Forum comprising the national parliaments of Member States, and approved
                                its establishment as an autonomous institution, saying this will promote dialogue
                                and popular participation in the affairs of SADC. The objectives are to
                                familiarise and bring SADC closer to the people of the region, seeking their
                                views on matters of common interest, and strengthening the concept of community building
                                through closer cooperation, networking and effective implementation, as well as promoting
                                the shared principles of human rights and democracy. The SADC PF is hosted by the
                                Parliament of Namibia in Windhoek and the founding Chairperson is the Speaker of the
                                National Assembly, Dr M. Tjitendero.

                                Protocol on Mining
                                The Protocol on Mining was signed, providing for harmonisation of national and regional
                                policies, strategies and programmes for the development of mineral resources through
                                interdependence and integration of the region’s mining industry to increase its share in
                                international markets.

                                Protocol on Education and Training
                                The  Protocol  on  Education  and  Training  provides  a  policy  framework  for  the
                                harmonisation and standardisation of national education and training systems, including
                                policies; basic, intermediate and higher education and training; research and development;
                                publishing and library services.

                                SADC Declaration on Landmines
                                The Declaration Towards a Southern Africa Free of Anti-Personnel Landmines envisages
                                a region free of landmines and calls for a total ban on the use, production, trade and
                                stockpiling of anti-personnel landmines in SADC Member States, recalling the human
                                suffering unleashed on innocent civilians.
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