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African Development Community (SADC). The Treaty provides for protocols on specific
                                areas of integration; priority for participation by the people of the region; movement of
                                people within the region to be facilitated; progressive removal of barriers to the flow of
                                capital, good and services; and priority given to peace and security.

                                Preferential Trade
                                The Summit noted a proposal by the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern
                                African States (PTA) that SADCC and PTA should merge into a Common Market for
                                Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), but reaffirmed their consensus that SADCC and
                                PTA have distinct personalities and mandates and must continue to exist as autonomous but
                                complementary entities.

                                The Summit said its foremost concern was the drought gripping the region again, and
                                thanked President Masire for his leadership in addressing this situation, as well as the
                                international community for pledges of support at the SADCC/UN Conference on the
                                Drought Emergency in Southern Africa, held in Geneva in June. The Summit directed
                                agriculture ministers to make appropriate arrangements and to put in place a system for
                                regional and national food security.

                                The Summit was briefed by the leaders of Angola and Mozambique about the agreements
        34                      reached for peace in their countries, and was further briefed by the South African Liberation
                                Movements on major developments in South Africa including the negotiations and the unity
                                of patriotic forces.

                   1993-94      The 13 SADC Summit held in Eswatini on 5 September 1993 was hosted by His Majesty
                                King Mswati III, and chaired by President Sir Quett Ketumile Joni Masire of Botswana
                                (left). The Summit decided to elect a Deputy Chairperson and chose His Majesty King
                                Mswati III (right).

                                Ratification of Treaty, Protocol on Immunities and Privileges
                                All  Member  States  have  ratified  the  Treaty  establishing  SADC  and  the  Protocol  on
                                Immunities and Privileges, and so the instruments entered into force on 5 October 1993.

                                Community Building and Mobilisation
                                In line with the decision by Heads of State and Government in 1992 to prioritise awareness
                                about the ideals and objectives of SADC, a Community Building and Mobilisation Campaign
                                was launched in July 1993. The campaign covered all Member States and aimed to create among
                                the people of SADC a sense of belonging to a community with a Shared Common Future.

                                Arts and Culture in Community Building
                                The SADC Arts and Culture Festival Project was conceived in 1993 with the potential to be
                                a dynamic tool in community building. This resulted in the first SADC Music Festival held
                                in 1995, followed later by a SADC Theatre Festival, a SADC Dance Festival, and a SADC
                                Art and Crafts Festival, hosted by different Member States.

                                Visible and Unified Support to Angola at UNSC
                                The Summit noted that the crisis in Angola would be the subject of a Special UN Security
                                Council debate on 15 September, and appealed to Member States to ensure that the SADC
                                Foreign Ministers attend to lend visible and unified support to Angola.
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