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Prevention and Eradication of Violence Against Women and Children
                                An Addendum to the SADC Declaration on Gender and Development on the Prevention
                                and Eradication of Violence Against Women and Children was adopted in 1998, with the
                                Summit strongly condemning the increasing levels of violence against women and children
                                as a serious violation of fundamental human rights. In the Addendum, SADC Member
                                States resolved to adopt specific measures including legislation, public education, training,
                                awareness-raising, and provision of services.

                                SADC Unites against HIV and AIDS
                                SADC Member States expressed deep concern at the rapid spread of HIV and AIDS to
                                all sectors of the population with far-reaching social and economic consequences as the
                                most effected population is the young age group that is economically active. Member States
                                agreed to work together to revamp strategies and programmes, commit more resources
                                and continue with multi-sectoral approaches, to ensure that socio-economic gains are not
                                reversed in areas such as infant mortality, literacy, life expectancy, and skills acquisition.
                                Collaboration and policy coherence to address HIV and AIDS is a priority for the region
                                and development partners.

                                SADC Initiatives to Restore Peace and Stability in DRC
                                The Summit expressed deep regret at the outbreak of war in DRC as a result of attempts
                                by rebels and their allies to remove the Government of President Laurent Kabila from
                                power,  and  welcomed  the  initiatives  by  SADC  and  Member  States  to  assist  in  the
        40                      restoration of peace, security and stability, in particular the Victoria Falls and Pretoria
                                initiatives, and commended the Governments of Angola, Nambia and Zimbabwe for
                                providing troops to assist the Government and people of DRC. The SADC Chairperson,
                                President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, recently hosted a Special SADC Summit attended
                                by the President of Rwanda, Pasteur Bizimungu that called for a ceasefire in DRC, a peace
                                process and reconstruction.

                                Sector on Legal Affairs, Protocol on Tourism
                                A new sector of Legal Affairs was established, and a new Protocol on Tourism was signed.

                                African Economic Community and RECs
                                The 18 Summit reaffirmed its decision that all activities and policies of SADC should be
                                carried out in the context of achieving the objectives of the African Economic Community
                                (AEC), and committed SADC, as a building bloc, to play a catalytic and strategic role in
                                establishing the AEC. The Protocol on Relations between the AEC and RECs was signed
                                in February 1998 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

                                Tribute to H.E. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
                                In  the  tradition  of  bidding  farewell  to  retiring  leaders,  the  18th  Summit  expressed
                                appreciation for the wise leadership that former President N.R. Mandela has provided to
                                SADC and the Republic of South Africa. He was later presented with the Seretse Khama
                                SADC Medal at the 20th Summit in 2000.

                                                               Spatial Development Initiatives
                                                               The concept of Spatial Development Initiatives is
                                                               gaining traction with the Maputo Development
                                                               Corridor  (MDC)  attracting  private  sector
                                                               investment  of  US$400  million  and  generating
                                                               more than 6,000 jobs, with related initiatives on
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