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                  The year 2020 marks the 40th anniversary of the Lusaka Declaration Southern
                  Africa: Toward Economic Liberation and the inaugural Summit of nine countries that
                  established  the  Southern  African  Development  Coordination  Conference
                  (SADCC)  on  1  April  1980,  the  predecessor  to  the  Southern  African
                  Development Community (SADC). The leaders or representatives of Angola,
                  Botswana,  Eswatini,  Lesotho,  Malawi,  Mozambique,  United  Republic  of
                  Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe met at the Mulungushi Conference Centre
                  in Lusaka, Zambia, to chart a vision for Southern Africa, a vision that has guided
                  the development and progress of the region over the past 40 years, and is
                  expected to shape the destiny of current and future generations.
                             Driven by the strong desire of the SADC founders to see Southern Africa
                  achieving political emancipation and economic development, the region has made
                  significant progress in advancing regional cooperation and integration. One of
                  the  first  notable  achievements  was  the  solidarity  shown  by  the  region  as  it  H.E. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi
                  championed the global campaign against the then apartheid South Africa. The  President of the Republic of Mozambique
                  culmination of this pressure led to the collapse of the apartheid system and the  Chairperson of SADC
                  independence of Namibia in 1990 and South Africa in 1994. So we then became
                  whole as a region, with the return of our independence and human rights.
                             As a region, we are proud to say that we have made significant progress
                  in strengthening our efforts to integrate our economies and promote peace and security, and we
                  have decided to honour our founders and thank them for their vision, dedication, courage and
                  values, which we have inherited. As the current generation of leaders, we want to build on their
                  vision, values and achievements, and ensure that we leave a united and prosperous region for the  iii
                  next generations, so the Youth of today can strengthen the integration of the region and continent,
                  and expand the achievements going forward, using their own innovations and technologies.
                            We will bequeath to them a peaceful environment in which to live. A major achievement
                  over the past 40 years has been SADC’s ability to remain peaceful, thanks to the gallant efforts
                  of the women and men who protect our borders against internal and external aggression and
                  criminal activities, as well as the strong political leadership provided by the Organ on Politics,
                  Defence  and  Security  Cooperation.  Armed  with  our  intimate  knowledge  of  historical
                  developments across the region, SADC has provided leadership whenever political challenges
                  have arisen in Member States. Such timely interventions have helped to quell tensions in situations
                  that otherwise could have worsened.
                             The results of our regional cooperation are very visible, especially in peace and security, which
                  provides  the  basis  for  economic  activities,  and  in  infrastructure  development,  transport  and
                  communications, democracy and human rights. Throughout the 1980s we were at war with apartheid
                  South Africa which used military strength and economic pressure to prevent and destroy the progress
                  of neighbouring countries. We could not communicate directly with each other as telephone lines
                  went  via  Europe,  we  could  not  travel  freely  throughout  the  region  or  conduct  trade  as  our
                  infrastructure and industry were destroyed or damaged. The economic cost and the loss of human
                  lives were of an unimaginable magnitude. To be where we are today is a miraculous development.
                             In addition to our contribution to political liberation, the transition of the SADCC to the
                  Southern African Development Community (SADC) in 1992 at a Summit in independent Namibia
                  marked a significant achievement when we signed the SADC Treaty and Declaration to move
                  beyond the coordination of activities to become a regional economic community.
                             The frontloading of industrialisation in the economic integration agenda, through the
                  SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Road Map 2015-2063 which was adopted in 2015 in Harare,
                  Zimbabwe, is yet another example of the region’s determination to integrate its economies and to
                  claim its rightful place within the global economy. Although endowed with some of the richest
                  reserves of minerals in the world and other natural resources, the region has until recently,
                  ironically, been a net importer of processed goods because the bulk of our resources have been
                  exported in raw form. It was, therefore, a momentous occasion when we took the decision in 2015
                  to ensure that we extract maximum benefits from our natural resources by making sure that there
                  is value addition and beneficiation that takes place before they are exported. This would ensure
                  that the region has a greater portion of the socio-economic benefits that accrue from the resources.
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