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                                Map 1.1        Southern African Dvelopment Community since 1980                                      8

                                Box 1.1         The Tanzania-Zambia Railway, a weapon of freedom …                               12
                                Box 1.2         “When is war not a war?”                                                                                 14
                                Box 1.3         Southern Africa Liberation Day                                                                       15
                                Box 1.4         The Harare Declaration and beyond                                                                21
                                Box 1.5         The Frontline States – Mission Accomplished                                                      24
                                Box 1.6         SADC Hashim Mbita Project – Southern African Liberation Struggles              24
                                Box 1.7         “Among the good, but  generally unreported things of Africa,
                                                     is the Southern African Development Community, SADC”                            26
                                Box 3.1         Annual Conference with Development Agencies                                             85
                                Box 5.1         Principles and Objectives of the Organ on Politics, Defence and
                                                      Security Cooperation                                                                                      134
                                Box 5.2         Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre                                                         137
                                Box 5.3         A Culture of Democracy and Peace                                                               140

                                Table 1.1      The Economic Cost of Frontline Resistance to Apartheid 1980-1988             12
                                Table 3.1      SADCC Sectoral Commissions                                                                         84
                                Table 3.2      Sector Coordination Responsibilities for Member States                                 84
         viii                   Table 3.3      Current Functions of Directorates and Units                                                   89
                                Table 3.4      SADC Chairpersons 1980-2020                                                                       92
                                Table 3.5      SADC Executive Secretaries and Deputies                                                       94
                                Table 4.1      Visa Regime Relaxation                                                                                  104
                                Table 4.2      SADC Transport Corridors                                                                            110
                                Table 4.3      Transmission Projects to Interconnect Non-Operating SAPP Members        112
                                Table 4.4      Interconnector Projects to Relieve Transmission Congestion                         112
                                Table 4.5      Projects to Move Power from New Generating Stations to Load Centres      112
                                Table 4.6      Regional ICT Achievements and Milestones                                                  113
                                Table 4.7      Transboundary River Basins and River Basin Organisations in SADC         116
                                Table 4.8      Women in Parliament in SADC Member States 1995-2020                          128
                                Table 5.1      Status of Ratification of and Accession to Legal Instruments relevant to
                                                      SIPO as of 30 July 2015                                                                                  136
                                Table 5.2      Major Training Exercises                                                                                138
                                Figure 2.1     Milestones to Deeper Economic Integration in SADC                                    49
                                Figure 3.1     SADC Sectoral Responsibilities  1996                                                              85
                                Figure 3.2     Clustering of SADC Coordination Sectors into Directorates in 2001             91
                                Figure 4.1     Revised RISDP 2015-2020                                                                               98
                                Figure 4.2     Commissioned Power Pool Generation 2004-2018                                        112
                                Figure 5.1     Organ Structure                                                                                              135
                                Figure 5.2     SADC Vision 2050                                                                                          141
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