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This publication is intended to serve as an institutional memory reflecting the journey the
                           organisation has travelled, by documenting the stages, the objectives and achievements of each
                           stage, and the milestones attained under the leadership of each of the office bearers that has
                           served the organisation.
                                      It is our hope that the publication will instil among the people of the SADC region a
                           greater zeal to carry forward the torch that was lit by the Founders -- President José Eduardo dos
                           Santos of Angola; President Sir Seretse Khama of Botswana; Right Hon. Prince Mabandla
                           Dlamini, Prime Minister of Eswatini; Hon. Mooki Vitus Molapo, Minister of Trade and Tourism
                           of Lesotho; Hon. Dick Matenje, representative of President Hastings Kamuzu Banda of Malawi;
                           President Samora Moises Machel of Mozambique; President Julius Kambarage Nyerere of the
                           United Republic of Tanzania, President Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda of Zambia; and Prime
                           Minister-designate Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe – when they met at the Mulungushi
                           Conference Centre in Lusaka, Zambia on that historic morning of 1 April 1980.
                                      It is our hope that this will encourage more action and collective conversations for effective
                           implementation of the SADC regional integration agenda for the benefit of our citizens and
                           prosperity of our individual economies, as well as the regional economy, as we move forward in
                           the fast-changing and sometimes complex environment that we operate in. The lessons learnt
                           and best practices gleaned should inspire us all towards meeting the dreams and ideals of SADC’s
                           Founders and the expectations of the Youth of today.
                                     I would like to thank all SADC Member States for their support and contributions to this
                           publication. May I also thank our knowledge partners, the Southern African Research and
                           Documentation  Centre  (SARDC)  for  travelling  with  us  on  this  journey,  assembling  the
         vi                information and producing this important book that documents the history of our region, from
                           SADCC to SADC.

                           Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax
                           SADC Executive Secretary
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