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Memorandum of Understanding on Macroeconomic Convergence
                  SADC Ministers of Finance meeting in Pretoria, South Africa on 8 August 2002 agreed
                  to strengthen regional integration through aligning the main indicators of economic
                  development to stabilise the regional economy and safeguard it from external shocks,
                  providing a predictable and attractive environment for business and investment. This
                  agreement on Macroeconomic Convergence aims for low, stable levels of Inflation;
                  sustainable  Budget  Deficits;  minimal  Public  Debt;  and  equitable  Current  Account
                  Balances.  In order to officially endorse macroeconomic convergence in the region, SADC
                  signed the MOU in 2002, which was annexed to the Protocol on Finance and Investment
                  in 2006.

                  The 22 SADC Summit was held in Luanda, Angola on 1-3 October              2002-2003
                  2002, hosted and chaired by President Eng. José Eduardo dos Santos.

                  Ceremonial Handover
                  The ceremonial handover was introduced at the 22nd Summit when the
                  outgoing Chairperson, President Bakili Elson Muluzi of Malawi handed over the official
                  badge and gavel to President dos Santos.

                  Peace and Stability
                  The Summit welcomed the return of peace to Angola brought about by the ceasefire
                  agreement signed in April 2002 and the integration of Unita cadres into the national army   47
                  and civilian society; and also expressed support for the DRC government in building peace
                  and national reconciliation, pledging to support its efforts to rebuild the country and society.
                  The Summit was briefed on the situation in Zimbabwe, and particularly the land reform
                  programme. In addition to these briefings from the Heads of State, the Chairperson of the
                  Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, President Joaquim Alberto Chissano
                  of Mozambique, presented a report on these and other developments, and the status of the
                  Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, with six ratifications to date.

                  African Union and NEPAD
                  The 22 Summit noted that at continental level, through collective efforts, remarkable
                  progress has been achieved toward strengthening African unity, and a giant step has been
                  taken with the launch of the African Union in July 2002 in Durban, South Africa hosted
                  and chaired by President Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki, and the formal adoption of the
                  New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). SADC leaders expressed their
                  full support for NEPAD, encouraging the “SADC Secretariat to submit to the
                  NEPAD Secretariat regional projects from priority sectors such as infrastructure,
                  water, market access and information technology.”
                           The SADC region hosted and chaired the transition period with the last OAU
                  Summit hosted by Zambia in 2001, the launch of the African Union in South Africa
                  in 2002, and the next AU Summit hosted by Mozambique in 2003.

                  Twenty-one protocols have been concluded of which 10 have been ratified and entered
                  into force. Four more legal instruments were signed: Protocol on Extradition; Protocol on
                  Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters; Protocol on Forestry; and the Agreement
                  Amending the Protocol on the Tribunal.

                  The SADC Council of Ministers established an Advisory Committee on Genetically
                  Modified Organisms (GMOs) to develop guidelines to assist Member States to guard
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