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                                                      The Summit noted that 12 protocols had been ratified and
                                                      entered into force, and 11 still need to be ratified. Summit
                                                      congratulated the host, United Republic of Tanzania, for
                                                      having ratified all protocols.

                                Gender Equality
                                Summit  noted  the  progress  made  by  Member  States  in  the  promotion  of  women
                                representation in political structures, which is gradually increasing, as shown by the
                                deliberate and gradual increase in the proportion of women in various structures, and
                                urged Member States to use the forthcoming elections and other opportunities to achieve
                                the minimum 30 percent women in political and decision-making structures by 2005.

                                Charter on Fundamental Social Rights
                                The Charter on Fundamental Social Rights in SADC was signed, calling for closer and
                                active consultations among partners in a spirit conducive to harmonious labour relations.

                                Summit and Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security
                                The SADC Chairperson, President Benjamin W. Mkapa, hosted and chaired an Extra-
                                Ordinary Summit on 15 May 2004 in Dar es Salaam, on Agriculture and Food Security.
                                The Summit noted that agriculture is a major sector in SADC, contributing 35 percent
                                to regional GDP and 13 percent of total export earnings, while 70 percent of the
                                population depends on agriculture for food, income and employment, yet productivity
        50                      levels are low.
                                         The Summit adopted the Dar es Salaam Declaration on Agriculture and Food
                                Security  in  the  SADC  Region  which  reaffirms  their  commitment  to  accelerated
                                agricultural development and sustainable food security through multi-sectoral strategic
                                interventions.  The Declaration identified priority areas for the next two years as well as
                                medium to long-term actions that include water management and storage, and water-
                                saving technologies.
                                               On agricultural financing and investment, the Summit called on all
                                           Member  States  to  progressively  increase  financing  to  agriculture  by
                                           allocating at least 10 percent of the respective national budgets within a
                                           period of five years in line with the African Union Maputo Declaration on
                                           Agriculture and Food Security of July 2003.  The Summit urged Member
                                           States to mobilise resources for Agro-processing and strengthen the savings
                                           and  credit  schemes  for  agriculture.  The  Summit  agreed  to  consider
                                           establishing a Regional Food Reserve Facility inclusive of a physical reserve
                                           and a financial facility, and to review Early Warning Systems.
                                               Summit noted the prevalence of gender inequality in the access and
                                           ownership of land, credit facilities and agricultural inputs leading to the
                                           marginalisation of women despite the fact that women constitute 70 percent
                                           of the labour force in agricultural production.  The Summit urged Member
                                           States to enact non-discriminatory laws on finance, credit and land, and
                                           promote gender-sensitive technologies, particularly on agro-processing.

                                SADC Seed Regulations
                                Plant breeders and seed experts in SADC have developed a new model for regional seed
                                certification. The Seed Certification and Quality Assurance System, when ratified by
                                governments will facilitate the movement of seeds across borders. The stakeholders agreed
                                on the modalities at a technical meeting organised by the SADC Seed Security Network
                                (SSSN) in Maputo, Mozambique.
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