Page 32 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 32

The Namibian, Tuesday Aug 18, 1992

                      SADCC was transformed into SADC in 1992, through the Treaty and Declaration signed by the Heads of State and Government of
                      10 Member States meeting in Windhoek, capital city of Namibia, whose independence they had supported until it was achieved in
                      1990.  From left, Frederick Chiluba, President of Zambia, Presidents Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique, Sam Nujoma of Namibia,
                      Ketumile Masire of Botswana, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Ali Hassan Mwinyi of Tanzania; as well as top Ministers from
                      Angola, Swaziland, Malawi and Lesotho, including Angola’s Prime Minister Franca Van-Dunem    d current caption with

                                 COMMUNIQUE: NAMIBIA, WINDHOEK 17 AUGUST 1992
                                 The Summit of the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) met in Windhoek, Republic of Namibia,
                                 on 17th August 1992, under the Chairmanship of His Excellency Sir Katumile Quett Joni Masire, President of the Republic of

                                and the economic and political situation in the region. ....
                                ...The President of the Republic of Namibia, H.E.  Sam Nujoma, delivered an address of welcome. The President of the Republic
                                of Botswana, Sir Ketumile Masire, in his capacity as Chairman, made a statement reviewing the activities of the Organisation,
                                Of foremost concern to the Summit was the drought currently gripping the region. The Summit commended its Chairman
                               President Masire for his leadership in addressing the drought situation and, thanked the international community for its
                               pledges of support at the SADCC/UN Conference on the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa, held in Geneva in June this
                               year. The Summit directed the Ministers of Agriculture to make appropriate arrangements, in the event the drought continues
                               into next year, and also to put in place the necessary recovery measures should the drought break. Above all, the Summit di-
                               rected the Ministers of Agriculture to put in place a system for regional and national food security.
                               The Summit called upon SADCC’s cooperating partners to assist in these efforts.
                              The Summit commended the Government and people of Angola for their resolve to establish the foundation for lasting peace
                              and security in their country, following the 1991 Peace Agreement. The Summit expressed the hope and wish that all political
                              parties in Angola will exercise tolerance and restraint during and after elections, and accept the will of the people.
                              The Summit further noted with appreciation the agreement signed by President Chissano and Mr. Dhlakama in Rome on 7th
                             Mugabe for his role in facilitating this process.
                              August, 1992 aimed at the cessation of hostilities by October first. The Summit commended President Chissano and Mr. Dhla-
                             kama for their continued positive and constructive efforts to restore peace and stability in Mozambique as well as President

                             The Summit reviewed developments in South Africa and was briefed by representatives of the South African Liberation Move-
                             ments on major issues regarding the violence, the negotiations and unity of patriotic forces. The Summit noted with concern
                             that the violence currently gripping South Africa had resulted in a general climate of tension and uncertainty in that country....
                            The Summit also noted with regret the lack of progress in the negotiations which is a result of the refusal by the South African
                            Government to accept universally agreed principles of democracy and its reluctance to stem the tide of violence much of
                            which can be linked to the state security apparatus. The Summit called upon all democratic forces in South Africa to unite in
                            to what it can to involve the region in supporting the process of change in South Africa....
                            order to bring about an early constitutional dispensation acceptable to the majority of South Africans. The Summit offered
                            The Summit considered a Report of the Council of Ministers on the Formalisation of SADCC, and agreed that the Report ad-
                           equately addressed the issues and concerns of the region. The Summit agreed that it formed a sufficient basis to strengthen
                           SADCC and give it appropriate legal status, and other necessary instruments to create a regional economic community of
                           Southern African states. The Summit, therefore, approved and signed a new Declaration, a Treaty and a Protocol committing
                           ganisation, The Southern African Development Community (SADC).
                             In particular, the Summit noted and reaffirmed that:
                           member States to deeper and more formal arrangements for cooperation and integration under the framework of a new or-
                               their relations in specific areas;
                              a)  the Treaty establishing SADC provides for agreement on protocols on specific areas of integration which will set-
                               out the principles and objectives of integration, and determine the rules under which member States will conduct
                               which will form the basis of the negotiations on protocols;
                             b)  it is important to follow-up the signing of the Treaty which a clear elaboration of the issues, structures and timetable
                               of regional integration;
                             c)  priority be given to popular participation, to ensure that the people of the region determine the content and direction
                            d) the movement of the people within the region should be facilitated;
                            e)  the need for the progressive removal of all barriers to the flow of capital, goods and services; and
                            f)  priority also be given to arrangements for peace and security in the region.
                         mutual benefit....
                         The Summit expressed the hope that a democratic South Africa will join the SADCC family of nations soon in order to enable
                         all of the region’s peoples to join hands in building a new economic order in Southern Africa based on balance, equity and
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